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Papaya Everywhere!!! (pics)


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Yes you are right Dan, Mom and Dad got most of it ;)


We usually just give him a slice or cut up pieces and he is rarely interested. This time for the heck of it I just gave him the outer flesh and skin and he went nuts! He sat up there for over an hour tearing into the thing, and of course flinging it all over the place!


You should try in Penny, papayas are actually extremely good for you and the bird. They are high in vitamin C, vitamin A and folate. They also contain papain, which is an enzyme that helps aid in digestion. Our vet recommended papaya when Makena was having problems with the worms.


Also every part of the papaya is eatable including the seeds. Although I find the seeds and skin to be a little bitter but Makena doesn't seem to mind B). Give them a try, they are delicious!!

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This is funny. I've never even see a Papaya in its whole form. I might have to look closer next time I go to the store :). Looks like your baby was having loads of fun with it as well as getting a full belly!! :laugh:

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My gosh, I can't believe that most of you that have posted in this thread have not eaten a papaya before. I have tried them and loved them, and they are available most of the time at the grocery store, but are not as good as the ones Kristin can get in Hawaii. They are very flavorful and I enjoyed lots of them when I visited Hawaii, yummy.

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