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Acting like a baby


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If you want to talk about a " GAVAGE" tube, that is very "old" termin0ology. Get up to date! Nancy

When I PMed you, it was to help you and I suggested you add research before you post a reply. Now, I searched gavage on the net, I stopped searching after I found over 4 on the first page, dated 2011 and 2012. I will not post these pages, any one can find them. To every one, I've said it before,"Research" if your not sure or what to make sure your correct. Thank you. Jay

Edited by Jayd
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What's with this "oral stage"? It's a fact that many birds enjoy eating off a spoon. I don't believe it's because of a need other than wanting whatever it is we are eating off that spoon or fork at the time. In my lifetime,I have never heard of birds and an oral stage in the same sentence before....ya just never know I guess....

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What's with this "oral stage"? It's a fact that many birds enjoy eating off a spoon. I don't believe it's because of a need other than wanting whatever it is we are eating off that spoon or fork at the time. In my lifetime,I have never heard of birds and an oral stage in the same sentence before....ya just never know I guess....


If I may "

Freud outlined five stages of human development : the oral stage, the anal stage, the phallic stage, the latency stage, and the genital stage. In each stage there is an need for gratification that must be met.



Gratification, ie. spoon, syringe feeding, which doesn't apply to parrots. Thanks Jay




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Talon, Jayd has it right. Freud outlined several stages in life, that needed to be satisfied for children. I guess it has not been proven for birds. As I follow the same guidelines for my birds, I have found the belief to be very beneficial for my birds. My goal, was always to satisfy oral stage. ( the most important!) I believe satisfying this stage in life, decreases chewing. I truly believe it has worked, as I have no birds that chew their feathers, have chosen an excellent diet.

Of course, my way, is not proven! Sure, I can be just lucky. I stick to my guns and belief with all my birds. I have had alot of faith for years, in believing in " satisfying" Stages of development. Of course, I am no expert, learned thru trial and error. Nancy

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Freud slips in his 1901 book The Psychopathology of Everyday Life. According to Freud, these errors reveal an unconscious thought, belief or wish.

"Two factors seem to play a part in bringing to consciousness the substitutive names: first, the effort of attention, and second, and inner determinant which adheres to the psychic material," Freud suggested in his book. "Besides the simple forgetting of proper names there is another forgetting which is motivated by repression," Freud explained (1901). According to Freud, unacceptable thoughts or beliefs are withheld from conscious awareness, and these slip help reveal what is hidden in the unconscious.

So basically, he came to a fantastic conclusion


Freud said ""Yes, It's very true that people all over the world are eating too many Dill Pickles"""

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Guys.... think about it! When I was in Sociology class, falling asleep, my teacher started talking about stages of development a baby goes thru. First stage, being " oral", needs to be satisfied, before they move onto next stage in child development. What did I know as a new owner of a rescued Sunconure, that would fly out and attack people's jugular. A new baby Amazon, and a new Grey, adopted at age two? Nothing! I knew I had to make a plan for diet, cages, gyms, toys, groomer and vet. I read alot about stepup. After that, I was stuck.

I watched the three of them, in their own cages, and noticed something " similar". Everything was about their " beak!" whether it be biting... ( sunny), wanting additional feedings ( Kiki), or regurgitating (Sophie).

I informed kids ( they were both on board), I was about to do something " unconventional!" We were going to satisfy the " oral stage". We did it, and I believe it made a HUGE difference! nancy

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