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Gracie After Bath Chatter


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I wanted to post a quick video of Gracie chattering after her bath. Sorry I keep interupting her with my wolf whistling--but she usually likes to wolf whistle and blow kisses which I thought would be cute. Anyway, I wondered if some of you might listen to some of her vocalizations and let me know if you think it sounds like she is trying to work out speech. A few times she does that thing where she goes into her throat and sort of babbles in a talking way. It may just be my imagination, but do you think she might be trying to say something?



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Sorry, my audio died. I watched the video without audio, and came to the same conclusion I think I would have come too. She's babbling, and happy! Her feathers are comfortable, and definitely has the position of being happy! I think... not having audio, was a GREAT experience! I had to rely on visual. I realized how much I count on visual! Today, Sophie was sitting on our plastic gate. Sean my son, was teasing her. She grabbed his nose gently, and started to snore. He was teasing her, so she started to tease back! LOL! I KNOW.... they have a sense of humour! Nancy

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LOL Kins how cute! I had several of my friends listen to the audio from the video. There seems to be a consensus that Gracie may be saying "doggie". A few days ago I had a visit from my parents' Toy Fox Terrier. His name is Barkley. I kept saying over and over to Gracie--"Barkley's a doggie==Barkley's a doggie". Now obviously Gracie was very interested in the dog so I wonder if the word stuck. My parents were sure Gracie was saying "Bark'y doggie". I'm not sure, but I really CAN hear "doggie". It may just be random, but let me know if any of you hear the same. She repeats it a few times--at 53-57 seconds it sounds the clearest to me. I may be getting overly excited. Either way--I suppose in time if that is what she is saying it will become clear soon.

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Lol Ray--You may be right. When she first mastered the "wolf whistle" and kisses, I was so excited and she knew it. Now the wolf whistle is her contact call and any time I leave the room or leave the house I get a barrage of wolf whistles and kisses. It's still cute but sometimes I get subjected to 20 wolf whistels in a row!

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That's how it was with my cockatiel, Zippy (RIP). My college roommate taught him the wolf-whistle and that was a LOT easier than talking so that was what he did ALL THE FREAKING TIME. (He would say, "Zippy bird" but it wasn't terribly clear...)


I really enjoy listening to Ellie work on new sounds. Today I'm pretty sure I heard her say a proto version of "Good bird"...

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We were just sitting with her on my chest, one hand over her head and one over her back, while I was watching TV. (I just put her in her cage for "Night night".)


For some reason, my wife and son both accused me of spoiling her...

Edited by Doug
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Oh, she is so beautiful! Yes, she is trying to talk. Give her a little time and she will be talking away! Dorothy is about the same age and says very few actual words, loves to wolf whistle, can do the Andy Griffith song here and there and unfortunalty has picked up the telephone ringing. This is what she does to try and get me to respond. (after the 20th time, I start hoping she will forget it!!) I love seeing Gracie! She is very beautiful!

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Kins--She is almost never in her cage when I am home--she just happened to go in there to perch after her bath. When I'm home she is out and playing unless she chooses some downtime. I will admit that she really likes her comfort zone however. Her comfort zone is the top of her cage, a nearby travel cage, and her playstand. She often will fly into the adjacent living room, but she always returns to her cage top. I am trying to broaden her areas of comfort. Today I did get her to step up and walked her around different rooms. She was ok with it for a while, but after a couple of minutes she flew back to her comfort zone. I will try again tomorrow. I'm still practicing more touching while giving her treats. It seems to be working a bit. I touched her beak and her feet. She didn't excatly like it--but hopefully she will accept more touch in time.I'm going to just keep at it and keep at it. She is worth the wait.

Edited by JeffNOK
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I just can't imagine touching Gracie that way. I'm lucky when I get a nose bump. Im not complaining, but be thankful for what you have. It isnt a given.


I am definitely thankful. She's such a sweetheart! I understand that they tend to get less cuddly as they get older. Maybe Ellie will be the exception, but I'm not counting on it, so I'm enjoying what I have while I have it!


When I was in grad school, and for some years afterwards, I had a cockatiel, Zippy. Before I bought a mate for him, he used to sit on my shoulder while I was studying (or grading papers) and tuck his head under my earlobe and just chill. That was so sweet. Of course, once he had a birdie babe of his very own, he didn't have much time for me...

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That was so long ago, I'm not really sure. I regretted it when I did. Bali (the female) never became terribly tame and Zippy just wanted to be with her - and since she didn't want to be with me...


I purchased both cockatiels at Wal-Mart and they were NOT hand-raised.


I did about everything wrong back then, which is why I've spent so much time trying to research grey care (before I got Ellie and on-going...)

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I have two love birds, and DJ has mastered their whistling but multiply the sound by 10. He uses that to great me and also say good night. He is also trying to speak, and it sounds like bla bla bla but he will be talking soon enough i hope.

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I watched her over and over again. She is just precious and beautiful. I definitely believe she is talking. They have to develop muscle coordination to work out practicing before it becomes more clear. Right before she did the monkey sounds, I thought I heard "what you doing" and it sounded a lot like doggie to me. If she says something you think you heard and then you repeat it to her, does she get real excited? I just think she is wonderful.

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