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Is it 2o'clock yet?!


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It sounds like things are going very smoothly for you and Marco, she is adjusting to her new home in record time but then the babies adjust more quickly than an older bird. Go easy on the apple, some is good but not a lot of fruit should be given and not every day either.

oh ok duely noted :D thanks for the heads up !!!!!!

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Her weight fluctuates from 395 to 405 depending on what time of day she is being weighed :confused:
Thanks, Try to always weigh her at the same time each morning, after her big poop, weight and changes to their droppings are one of the best signs of health/illness. Your doing a Greyt job.
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I don't go crazy about weight. Actually, have never put my birds on a scale! BUT... I know it is important. Continue to get your grey to socialize with entire family. THATS what I always focus on, as diet, has never been an issue.

DON'T let your baby, choose one family member, over another. It is important! I have always chosen to focus Sophie more on socialization, then food. She eats quite well. Of course, we went thru the stage of her throwing food everywhere! Nancy

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There are two things we do to insure the health of our parrots, one is "regular weighing and reading the droppings" this is essential to the continued health and welfare of our parrots. [check out poopoligy on the forum] most of the time this is the only way you can get a early warning about your parrots health.


Food: A youg parront needs "abundant feeding" at all times, a large assortment of foods of different variety and selection, this is a must! A parrot can develop a fear of not being fed or not having enough food, this can develop into a psychosis which can hinder proper growth and lead to phobias and possible death. Just because this didn't happen to one person, it doesn't mean it doesn't happen.


Please research especially if your not sure or it's of your own opinion. This forum is base on at least 99% correctness, post wisely anything that might cause harm. There are a number of "Advant-garde and esoteric sites on the web". Please use common sense

when posting...


Thank you


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I must say, I agree with Jay. The two most important things YOU as a parront can do is watch their poops daily, and weigh them regularly...very IMPORTANT to watch their weight . they can lose weight quickly and they are so light you would never know...how tragic it could be if there was a problem and something so simple was neglected...

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Just last week my son's budgie was sitting at the bottom of the cage with her eyes closed, I knew we did not have much time left. Blueberry has been with us for six weeks, we all mke. Sure he has fresh food and water daily. Also we make sure that he gets got of the cage evey day. Anyway last Friday morning I went to give him food and water and as I said this poor baby was bad off. I grabbed the cage and was on my way. Well as soon as the vet saw Blueberry they said he has not been eating, he was down to 13 grams, he was 30 grams on his last weight check. I said goodby to my little baby thinking he was not going to make it. Well I got a call today he now 24 grams and doing well. I asked myself how could this have happened without notice. Well I assumed this baby was eating because I saw food in the bottom of the cage and and was playing just fine in and out of the cage until that morning. The vet said that sometimes birds kick the food out of their dish, and never eat a thing. Well this was a lesson learned! Guess what I just put on my list to buy, yep a scale. I feel awful that I did not know that this baby was in trouble until it was maybe 5 minutes away from death. Just wanted to share this after reading this post. I hadn't before today because I was too embarrassed but if it helps someone else then I will live with the embarrassment.

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Aerial, I'd taken a bit of a hiatus from the forum, but I'd often wondered if Marco had come home and how you were getting on. I've been gone so long, I just found out about the sex change - er, DNA results. ;) Congrats on your 'new' baby - nearly a month on now. Your excitement is very contagious.

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Aerial, I'd taken a bit of a hiatus from the forum, but I'd often wondered if Marco had come home and how you were getting on. I've been gone so long, I just found out about the sex change - er, DNA results. ;) Congrats on your 'new' baby - nearly a month on now. Your excitement is very contagious.


well welcome back was wondering where you had gone! I hope everything is going well for you ... sometimes life just gets too busy ...


Marco is definately home and decorating my life and my walls and my floor and my couch LOL and my shirt *giggles*


But she has been SO much fun so its all ok :D and yes .. he turned out to be a SHE but thats ok we'll love her anyways :D shes even enjoyed being outside with her harness on. I havent gotten her to work her foreging toys yet but its ok theres plenty of time for that!

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