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Share a cage?


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I have seen a baby CAG i would like , we have a cage for when it is still a baby but i was wondering if we would need to buy another cage when its older or can i let it share with Archie??


Archie will let one of my Tiels go in hes cage eat hes food play with hes toys,sleep baically do what it wants in there,wether Archie is in there or not , but they go there seperate cages at night,does this mean he will let another grey in there??

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Don't assume that because Archie gets along with one of your tiels that you can just put another grey in the same cage, each bird should have their own cage to call their own and greys are known to not get along with another grey unless they were nest mates. We do have some members who have bird rooms where all their birds and even more than one grey are out at the same time but they usually keep some distance from one another and should be supervised for one little squabble could end violently.

You have a special relationship there with Archie and the tiel.

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Yes, Judy is orrect. I am not a believer in sharing cages for many reasons other than safety.Their cage should be their own place to be. Just like we have our own space or bedroom. Isn't it enough that they have to share you, your attention, your food, your house" etc.? I have 3 parrots and they love having their own cage where they can relax and not be on alert for the others. They are all in the same room, but feel safe when they want to get away, and all birds do.

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I have three parrots and they share a bird room. They do go into each other's cages to steal food but they are never in a cage at the same time. Each knows which cage is "really" his/hers. My two male parrots have been warring with each other lately. Perhaps it is because it is spring time but I have to watch them all the time as they go beak to beak in menacing ways and not always nicely. I'm with Judy each parrot needs it's own cage/space. A mated pair that's different; they would share a cage and you/human couldn't come in without a fight!!!!

Edited by luvparrots
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I don't wanna beat a dead horse, but as others have stated, sharing a cage isn't a good idea. Especially if you are putting the second bird in with the first bird (think about it if one day you come home and theres some random guy in your house, saying "yup, this is my new place too") It's could also be dangerous, because if a fight were to break out, the weaker grey would not be able to escape, and could be horribly injured.

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