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Moving Questions


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Hello all, i rarely post but I read the forum all the time for great advice. I have a 2 year old CAG and I had some questions about my inevitable move in 6-8 months. I currently live in Arizona and am planning to move to Oahu Hawai'i some time in the fall. I have heard that moves can be quite stressful for CAGs especially a move with such a great distance.


My questions are


1) Has anyone ever had to move where you would require to have your bird go on a plane and go through a quarantine? How long is the quarantine for?


2) The place that I'm getting is a lot smaller than the place I have now. Hayleys cage is in my room currently and that's where I spend the most of my time. She has a fairly large size cage. The cage right now would not be able to fit in my room in Hawai'i. Would it be cruel to downsize the cage for sleeping purposes and have the large cage outdoors? Could Hayley spend a lot of time outdoors in her cage if need be (in the shade, 8 hours for when I'm at work)?


This could be a great opportunity for me and it's my dream to live in Hawai'i, but like everyone here my bird is my baby and I want her to be happy as well. I hope you all can help, also feel free to add any additional information that you think is important. Thank you!

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Hello Hayley23.


I have moved from another country when my CAG was 2 years old. She handled the whole traveling thing beautifully. :) She had her traveling cage which I bought about 5-6 months before moving. So she was very comfortable in it. On the plane the cage was next to me and she was holding my finger for comfort. So this is my advice: get the traveling cage now (if you have not done that yet), so your baby have time to get used to it.


A smaller cage for sleeping would be ok. But the cage outdoors has some issues. Like unpredictable weather. Low or high tempreture. And 8 hours outdoors without your supervision... I would be very worried about my baby being alone outside for so long. Is there absolutely no space for a cage inside?


Good luck!

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But the cage outdoors has some issues. Like unpredictable weather. Low or high tempreture. And 8 hours outdoors without your supervision... I would be very worried about my baby being alone outside for so long. Is there absolutely no space for a cage inside?


Good luck!


Of course, Julia, he IS talking about Hawai'i. The temperatures there are wonderfully constant. My biggest concern would be wind. That's usually predictable, but the winds can be strong.

Edited by Doug
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Thanks everyone for the reply. I looked at the link that Judy provided and it seems that there would be a 7 day quarantine period. What I'm concerned about is that they did say some species are prohibited, but I wasn't able to find a specific list.


Julia- Would you recommend a specific traveling cage? The one I found at my local store would be to big to store under the seat during takeoff. Are you required to buy another ticket for your bird, and if not then was it ok for the traveling cage to be on your lap at all times? I think I'm leaning towards not having the cage outside at all, but that would require me to downsize her huge cage that I have now. How do you think Hayley would handle that?


Btw my name is C.J., and I'm male, my birds name is Hayley :).


Thanks again for everything you have all helped a lot.

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Btw my name is C.J., and I'm male, my birds name is Hayley :).


Oops! Sorry about my assumption, C.J.!


If the cage will not fit under the seat in front of you, you will have to purchase a ticket for an additional seat. (If the plane is not full - always check-in on-line and select your seat if possible so you can TRY to get an empty seat next to you - you can put the cage in the seat next to you once the plane is above the limit where they let you remove your seatbelt.) I may not know much about greys yet, but I am a VERY frequent flyer...


I love O'ahu and I'm envious of you!

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My big worry about having a cage outside without you around would be an animal coming around to investigate. It may not be able to get to your bird but it could sure scare her badly resulting in a broken blood feather, or just a major attitude change, and you wouldn't know exactly what caused it. Your bird's biggest need, other than food and shelter, is to be with you, so as long as the cage is big enough for her to spread her wings comfortably and play, I'd go for a cage that she can be near you in.

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My big worry about having a cage outside without you around would be an animal coming around to investigate. It may not be able to get to your bird but it could sure scare her badly resulting in a broken blood feather, or just a major attitude change, and you wouldn't know exactly what caused it. Your bird's biggest need, other than food and shelter, is to be with you, so as long as the cage is big enough for her to spread her wings comfortably and play, I'd go for a cage that she can be near you in.



The place that I will be living is actually a building and I would be on the 14th floor (I believe). I should have clarified that by "Outside" I mean the Lanai that I will have. It has a roof and I will most likely get some sort of a screen that can be opened and closed. 14 floors up I don't think I would have to worry about animals frightening Hayley (unless it's another bird). I will most likely get the smaller cage so she can be indoors, I just don't know how much smaller i will have to go :(.

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Hello Hayley23.


. So she was very comfortable in it. On the plane the cage was next to me and she was holding my finger for comfort. So this is my advice: get the traveling cage now (if you have not done that yet), so your I have moved from another country when my CAG was 2 years old. She handled the whole traveling thing beautifully. :) She had her traveling cage which I bought about 5-6 months before movingbaby have time to get used to it.


A smaller cage for sleeping would be ok. But the cage outdoors has some issues. Like unpredictable weather. Low or high tempreture. And 8 hours outdoors without your supervision... I would be very worried about my baby being alone outside for so long. Is there absolutely no space for a cage inside?


Good luck!



Do you remember where you got your traveling cage? Also did your CAG have to go through any quarantine period? Thanks again!

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Hi Hayley23, You pose some tough questions, You might try to contact something like Hawaiian fish and game, or a avian pet store in Hawaii, you could do this over the net, etc. Airlines won't ship live birds during summer high temperatures, in mild temperatures, they could stay outside, with adequate shade, water, etc. My biggest worry, would be theft...A sleeping cage is fine....Thanks Jayd

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi. I'm sorry for not answering for so long, but I'm on my jorney to UK. Currently we arein Athens.

To answer your question, I have Adventure Pack Cage fr 6 years now and I'm very happy with it. We've traveled from Cyprus to Greece with it and it was great. But British Airways does not allow pets in the cabin and my CAG has to travel by Cagro (with the same plane). Plus hi cage we have is not accepted by IATA. They adviced me to get this one ( http://www.birdsupplies.com/wingabago-bird-carrier-small/ ). The cotton cover is a MUST!!

I have to say that I'm having a lot o problems with my CAG's transportation, because Greece and UK can not agree about the requirements for the crate and papers. :( I'm in a lot of stress now. Our flight is on Tuesday. Fingers crossed!

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Sylia did not go through any quarantine period when we came to Greece. And it is not required for pet-birds accompanied by their owners entering UK from another EU member, giving that all the papers and the crate are accordig to their rules.


Double and triple check with the airlines!!!

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