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I need help. I've had my female Congo grey about a year and a half now - she will be 2 in December. I am her first owner. Last year at this same time she plucked herself practically naked. The feathers grew back in but now she has done it again and is in as bad a shape as before. I was advised to spray her with water with 100% aloe vera juice - and add 1 tsp of aloe vera juice to her water. Both seemed to help last year. I was then advised to give her extra protein (chicken, nuts, etc.) because that might be part of the problem. She appears absolutely normal in every other way - friendly to almost everyone - talks up a storm, laughs, swings, etc. All in all a very happy bird...but naked on her chest, legs and where ever she can reach on her back.


I was advised to take her out in the sun more. I live in Texas and the sun can be pretty hot even this late in the year. I have her cage in front of a window (shades and blinds pulled most of the time). Could it be a heat problem?


I just read on your site about aloe vera gel being rubbed on her naked parts. Would this be helpful? What brand of gel?


Any help is appreciated. I love her naked or fully feathered, but am very worried about the pattern that is occurring.

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I would not recommend rubbing aloe vera on the naked parts. Who has given you the advice to date on sun, protein etc? Any time a bird plucks it is important to get them into an aviary veterinarian to be looked at. Birds do have a seasonal hormonal time when they would normally breed. With it happening twice at the same time of year and then completely stopping I would venture to say it may be related to that. Are there any activities in your home that are different this time of year (home different hours, had a major stressor come up for your family, something like that?). That could be a cause, too. Very important to address quickly before it becomes a fun habit versus a yearly ritual.

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As Monique pointed out, it is interesting that it seems to happen at the same time of year. Based on Her age when this first happened, it is doubtful it is related to Hormones though.


Is it possible it is related to Molting itself?


Has a Vet had anything to offer in advice on this?

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I would recommend you have her checked out by an avian vet to rule out anything physical as the cause. She is not old enough for sexual maturity so it has to be something else.


One of the members recommends using aloe vera juice mixed with water to spray them down with it and it helps their skin. But the vet check is first and then proceed from there.


Let us know what you find out if anything.

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Thanks for the info. Since this has now happened twice and at the same time of the year I'm going to take her to a vet for a check first and then go from there. Is there any one in the Dallas area that can recommend a avian vet - not a vet that treats birds (there's plenty of those and in the past I've run into some really un-trained in birds vets)...any help is appreciated.

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