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Kidney Stone


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WOW, talk about pain. I woke up with thw worse pain of my life had to crawl to my 18 year old daughter, so she took me to the E.R.(this was two weeks ago), and what do I have, a kidney stone. I think I would rather have a little bite from my soon to be home AG.lol Anyway I will be having a ureteroscopy with lithotripsy and a stent placed. I am scheduled for tomorrow morning. Any advice?

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I have no advice for you for gratefully I have never been cursed with kidney stones but know from someone else's experience that the pain is a bring you to your knees kind so if I never know I will be eternally grateful. I hope the procedure you are undergoing will bring to an end your pain and suffering so let us know how it goes and good luck to you.

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Hopefully as soon as your procedure was finished, you are getting some relief. My sister in law went through it and she said the lithotripsy wasn't so bad, but I haven't known anyone to get a stent. Hope that remedies the problem and you are good as gold from now on.

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