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I know I should know better..:o


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I confess I am a bit of a tinkerer and like Mistyparrot I enjoy taking things apart and unlike Misty I try to put them back together.

Foolishly I have decided to have a go at fixing my iPodtouch and this is not something for the faint of heart! You may have guessed that my big mistake is attempting this delicate operation without first locking Misty up! Trouble is as soon as I try to do that, all I get from him is a barrage of demands. "Come here!" "Come here now!!" "Can I come out?" "Come here!" He knows he has done nothing wrong so he just piles it on and there is only so much I can take so I let him out. He comes straight over to my work table and tries to steal my tools or the spare iPod bits. No Misty! I say. "That's not for you ?" he says.Thats right it's not for you Misty! "Trouble trouble!" he says. Obviously these bits and Grey parrots do not mix so it is constant battle to keep him at bay. I think I would rather put up with that than the constant guilt he lays on me for my unjustly locking him up!`He is always interested in anything I am involved in. "Whatydoin" is a frequent comment from him and of course I to actually enjoy his interest..... Now he has decided to have a snooze so with any luck I can complete my task in peace. Wish me luck.......:)



Steve n Misty

Edited by Mistyparrot
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Archimedes loves helping me too, with my drinks, with my homework, typing up responses on forums, doing my makeup... the list goes on... and the more I don't need his help, the more he's inclined to help me... just like a mom, I get most of my work done during nap time

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"Trouble trouble" meaning, "I'm getting ready to cause some trouble!"


These little guys are so amazing. I don't understand people that don't "get" parrots...


Yes they are. He says that whenever I catch him in some mischievous act. Living with Mistyparrot has strongly enhanced my appreciation for all avian species.


Steve n Misty

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It always gets to me that two such disparate creatures as humans and parrots can have such close and truly loving relationships.

I am so grateful to have Misty in my life. It has convinced me that the most noble purpose of all human kind is to protect and nurture our shared planet for the benefit of all of us, both humans and all the other creatures as well.


Steve n Misty

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I was soooo tired when I got home from work. I was laying on the couch, Sophie came out, and was sitting on the birds safety fense. Sean was getting ready for work, he started to tease her. Had his nose against her beak, she gently grabbed it, wagging her tail. Started to snore and fart ( this would get Sean laughing). I knew she was charming Sean! I got such a kick out of it. Ryan is not here, so let me check out Sean! LOL! Sophie is manipulating our family dynamics, to fit her own needs. How smart is that! Nancy

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