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Slater in the sun

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He looks like he is enjoying the outdoors and the sunshine, I really love this area you have for your fids so they may enjoy the fresh air and you don't have to worry about having them on a harness or in a small cage, thanks for sharing them with us.

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Thanks everyone


I don't find the birds chew on the net at all. They tend to stay on their perches which I position far enough away so they can't reach and chew on them. There have been a couple times when Slater has been spooked and he flew into the net. He hung there just like he hangs from his toys. I picked him up and set him down on his perch. I would never leave them unattended as one never knows what might happen. It is possible for them to chew their way out if they were given enough time to do so. They would have to chew a hold large enough for their body to fit thru. I never, ever leave them unattended. If I have to go inside for any reason I have my husband or one of my daughters come out and watch them. It has worked better than I ever imaged.

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