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Jealousy in Amazons


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One of my favorite loving gestures Nilah does:


When my cat crawls up onto my lap or chest as I'm on the couch watching tv, Nilah who is usually perched on knee, sees me patting the cat, and she runs over up my arm and puts her head against my face and rubs my face with her head for cuddles. She is very jealous, and if I don't pat her instead of the cat, she chases my cat away. :rolleyes:


I would love to hear others stories of their amazons. My greys aren't as jealous, only Rikki, but she just keeps taking my hand away with her beak and putting her head down and saying coo!

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If I scratch Corkys head Cricket runs over for her scratch and If I scratch Crickets head Corky comes over for her scratch,

I can`t do one with out doing the other.

The same with food, if one is eating off of a plate the other will be over to eat off of the same plate. It`s a competiton between the two.

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I commented today, that my pup Zoey, had two seizures. Never before. We saw the vet. Sophie knew something was wrong.

She hung out with us, and was very quiet. Kiki my amazon, also came out, while I was caring for Zoey. She also was quiet, and knew something was wrong. Both Kiki and Sophie sat on the couch and were quiet. They knew Zoey is sick and are worried. Zoey once saved Kiki's life when she was trapped under a gate. Kiki has never forgotten! nancy

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Codie is jealous of anyone that comes near me :( During the day while we are here on our own, she quite happily stays on her playstand, or comes and sits on the leg of my Computer Chair, but as soon as my Daughter or Other Half walk in the door, she immediately flies onto me and snuggles her head into my arm and when they come near me she runs up my arm , pins her eyes on them, fans her tail out and growls at them :( as if to say... " come any closer if you dare " She is very much a One Person Bird!

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