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Is this a`normal`bath?


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Ill start from the begining i was hoovering and Archie flew over to me and landed on my shoulder,so i walked him back to his cage after i finished the room and off he went,he then went into this `fit` he done what you can see in the video which i assume is him bathing yet i got the squirter out and he still lunged at me like normal as he hates it ,he done this with hes water bowl for about 5 mins,and me changing hes water 3 times,hes then gone to the top of hes cage climbed out and rubbed hes beak all over the top of the cage,no bar left untouched , climbed back into hes cage and has had a right good go at one of hes toys,is this a normal bath or is he as peeded off as i think he is for someone reason??he has now calmed down and just sitting there shivering,also as you can see he seems abit bald on his neck and chest today yet i have found no feathers anywhere i dont understand it??iam going to go and get him some aloe vera spray and anti plucking spray i think although he HATES being sprayed so dunno what to do


Excuse the music




I will admit iam also feeling abit nervous of him at the moment now because he has his `i hate you ` face on

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Looks like a bath to me. You are lucky your grey likes baths. A lot greys do not. The aloe vera spray is a great idea. I mist my greys all the time with a very fine mister. they like to climb to the top of their playtop cage and I spray upwards at them never in the face.

Edited by luvparrots
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Thanks everyone i kinda new it was a bath but just wanted to be sure as i have never seen any of my birds do this.I do spray all 3 of them every other day and new i was not getting Archie good enough but was hoping he would get used to it , i never spray their faces but i do try and get their chests


I am going to look up what you have Ray and get him one,my Tiels like to be misted but what ever makes them happy they get :D

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xSarahx definitely a bath. In my opinion, your bird is struggling with " who is the leader", of our flock. Many don't believe in a flock leader. I believe in it. It is me. My birds and dogs, also believe in it.

Today, my pup Zoey who sleeps with me, had a seizure at 8am. She is seven years old. NEVER any health issues! I didn't know if she was choking, as she tends to take several toys to bed. After a minute of not breathing, I attempted the heimlich. No response. After two minutes, I attempted to open her jaw, started CPR. I saw the light draining from her eyes. She finally blinked! It was the worse day of my life! Took her to vet, they did bloodwork. When I got home. Sophie cameout to hang with me, knew I was concerned about Zoey. Sophie was quiet, and concerned about Zoey. Zoey had a second seizure. Not as bad as first. Sophie knows I'm worried. So is she! Sophie LOVES Zoey. She is a good friend. Nancy

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