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Say Hi To Bella, with a gift to you guys.

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hi, i just got my bird bella, on march 13 2012, its been 2 and a half weeks, (she is 4 1/2 month old) she is absolutely amazing, and i want to offer her the best, i will be home for the next 2 months alone with her and my family before i start college, i researched for about 5 months before getting her but im still learning a lot of things everyday from her, she is doing great, but is gaining weight constantly, so i have been reading up alot about what to feed her, how much to feed, and how to cook ( as i dont know how to cook anything :(), but im trying.


so in the past 2 days ive been a document of thigns you should never feed your parrot and things you should feed, and would like to share it with you guys, i made it ti put near her cage so if anyone comes near her, they will know what to feed her and what not. please let me know if something is incorrect or you want me to add something. thanks


updated 4.2.12


google docs online viewer




here is bella guys


Edited by kennys1989
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Welcome to the two of you.


I like your idea of compiling the lists, but I will not sign up on the 4shared website or download their app, so I guess I can't see your files.


Bella is really cute. I hope to see some more pictures soon!

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Welcome to the two of you.


I like your idea of compiling the lists, but I will not sign up on the 4shared website or download their app, so I guess I can't see your files.


Bella is really cute. I hope to see some more pictures soon!


i have it updated now, you can view online using google docs.


btw anyone have any idea how to tell using body language if a bird is sexually aroused. since she is a female, i dont want to do that, dont want any eggs yet. ;)

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Very nice! May I steal it?


Are you saying that they can't have apricots, peaches, pears, plums, nectarines, or cherries? Or are you saying they can't have the pits? (Because it sounds like the former.)

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yea i was saying that they cant have the fruits at all, since i know they cant have avocados even with the pit removed, its still toxic, so i thought it would be same with all fruits that have pits. yea you can have it, share it, and even edit it if you want. i c

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They can have those fruits, peaches, pears, cherries, plums and so forth but not the pit but it also says no dried beans and asparagus, the beans are fine as long as they are cooked and what is wrong with asparagus, never seen that one on a forbidden list before.

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well i know there is a debate going on online about feeding our birds asparagus, its even on the website that doug just referenced, so i decided rather not to feed it, and yes i knew you can feed cooked beans, maybe ill change the caption to "no uncooked dried beans". thanks

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Doing a quick search on the interwebs, I see a roughly equal number of hits saying yes and no to asparagus. Of course, a lot of these are compiled by people using older lists compiled by people using even older lists.


On the internet, everyone is an expert with equal weight to their opinions...


I wonder where we can find an authoritative answer (if one even exists)...

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it's a great start, but you can feed dairy, like a little bit of cheddar or yogurt once in a while (once a week TOPS) I read somewhere that cabbage (and things in cabbage family) should be limited, don't remember why, also spinach has been known to cause calcium absorption so it should also be given in limited qualities. Oh and on the second page, I believe they're called persimmons not permissions... lol it was a cute typo

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thanks guys, will fix all problems noted here tomorrow, and update it, btw bella was exhibiting an odd behavior today, which worries me, heres the videos, (FYI, she is 4 1/2 )


first video, she bites the side of my fingernails, and sometimes bites hard, it hurts. she only will bite there, any ideas??



second video, she will put her upper beak and lower beak between my any two fingers, or sometimes one finger, and holds it there, bobs her head, and lifts her wings, its very weird, please let me know if this is similiar to your bids, and why they do this?


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Welcome to you and beautiful Bella. You never know how barren your life is without a parrot until you live with one. You are blessed with the gift of an interesting, unique, and exquisite companion. There are lots of lists compiled of the big scary things that could adversely impact the health of our birds. If you start reading as you find time, the health room here has cautions and suggestions from people who have had first hand knowlege of decades of personal experiences. Thanks for coming to share your own research. One question I have on the list is why onions are listed on the no no list but are included on the limited quantities list. Garlic and onions, particularly uncooked are on our radar as not to feed, if I remember right. I am of the philosophy, if it is potentially a problem, it is easier to avoid it altogether rather than wonder later if our parrot is ill, "was it something I've done?". I have personally been in the position of losing a baby and the weeks of waiting for the news from a necropsy was excruciating beyond words. It was confirmed to be a known parrot disease and was not an uninformed exposure to something lethal. I commend all of you for working so hard to provide safety and nurturing to your new companions.

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Morning and welcome to you and bella :)

I watched your videos and while Im NO expert I think the head bobbing is something they do when they are being fed or weened. I wouldnt worry about that. The other video of her biting you .... I think shes just being a grey and if shes biting your nail and it hurts lol then dont let her :confused: I would sooner say stop the behaviour before you teach her its "ok" to do that .. just my opinion :D

She sure is pretty tho! I have my own list of things on my fridge that I printed out from the safe/toxic list I found online that goes from trees to folliage to fruits and veges so that way at a glance before she eats it I can feel good and safe about it ... :D infact my kids are like............. REALLY MOM? :rolleyes: becuz it filled the entire front of the fridge lol

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thanks. i go by the same philosophy that if something can be fed safely in little amounts, but harms when it adds up. then why feed that, when we should replace it with something else. i made the list for my mother, whose english is not as good, but she can read pictures, that why i put all the pictures on it. i will change some things and update it today.


thanks aerial.2000., i thought it would be normal, she probably still misses the hand feeding. and yea she is started to put more pressure on the bite, i think she is testing me, and the way i learned to stop her from doing something neagtive, is to give a timeout (like turning my back to her for a couple of minutes) from positive reinforcement. i think i will try that. and yea i also planned to put it near where everyone can see the list, im thinking in her room though, or maybe 2 copies, 1 on fridge 1 in room :).


btw can anyone provide me a picture of how much food they put into there bowls? i know how many pellets to feed her (about 20 grams whole day of harrisons high potency coarse). but i feed her fruit in the morning, and vegetables before bed, and i cant get how much to feed her, she always eats it all, even her breeder told me she is a little pig.

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Pellets should always be available, 24 hours a day. I check Chickie's bowl everyday and add to it or dump and refresh as needed. Also, with your baby biting on your fingers, she's not doing something negative that she should be punished for-since she's not trying to bite. Greys are just natural chewers, so when she wants to chew on your finger the best thing to do is to redirect her to something appropriate to chew on. Give her a foot toy or something that she can hold and chew. It's not something she can help. As she gets older and does try to bite then this would be the appropriate time for time outs, etc.

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I totally agree with the biting .... that Life is Grey has said. Totally redirecting with toys or something is a much better idea :D Ive done that w/marco. She has caught my finger tho 3 times pretty hard but it was out of fear so I didnt really discipline just said NO BITE firmly then picked her up.

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when i got her she was 365 grams, and today i weighed her at 382 grams, and even after eating, and going back in her cage, she sometimes will come near the empty pellet bowl, like she is asking for more, and while i do put more most of the time, she waits impatiently, and after i put it in, she eats right away very quickly. i dont want to make her overweight, is there any rule, like feeling the crop, or body language i can know , that will tell me she is full?


and how often do you guys feed your greys. i feed at morning and night, and feed her pellets 3 times a day, and always leave some for night time, which she eats right away, she cant even wait to eat. :)

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I'm guessing that she is eating right away because you only give pellets at certain times. If you keep pellets in her bowl all the time, she will not be so greedy to eat.


That way she will pick the times she wants to eat instead of following your times.


I keep pellets in her bowl all the time. When they get low, I give the remainder to the dogs, clean the bowl and put in enough to cover the bottom. (I don't want them to get stale by putting in too much.) I guess I put in pellets every second or third day.

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Greys do not eat at certain times of the day like we do, they are foragers so they eat throughout the day therefore pellets should be available at all times, I see my grey eat pellets at different times of the day whenever she gets hungry. Always provide some food for them to have any time during the day and even at night.

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