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Archimedes loves to babble


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I still can't believe he's already 20 weeks old already, but it's true! he's lost his baby squeak, and I don't remember who said it... but you're right, I kinda miss it! But the squeak has been replaced with wonderful babbling! When I put Archimedes in his cage for his afternoon nap he resists, just like any toddler would, and he'll just start talking to himself for a good 15 minutes before some light beak grinding and then finally doze off to sleep


I snuck a video with my cellphone for you guys to all see!



he went on like that for a good 20+ minutes, my favorite parts of his babbling is he'll make pretty whistles and then all of a sudden will just squawk

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I loved your video. Those babbles, chirps and squawks are the soundtrack of my life as well. I loved hearing the little "wolf whistles"--Gracie has adopted the wolf whistle as her contact call. Whenever I leave the room--she begins that "whOO//-WHoo\\" whistle which would rival any construction worker admiring a passing beauty. They are such little cuties. What warms my heart is that all those sounds are the sign of a happy, healthy, secure parrot.

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