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Is Gracie Getting Ready to Talk?


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Gracie turned eight months old this week, and recently I have noticed a few changes in her. Firstly, she is beginning to molt. I'm seeing a lot of her feathers sort of sticking up and many more of her downy feathers falling out. She seems to be preening and scratching more than before and I notice she rubs her head and neck against some of her toys. Sadly, she still won't let me give her scritches and scratches.


The other thing I've witnessed is a change in her vocalizations. Up until last week, Gracie had learned only to imitate different whistles and kissing noises that she uses when chattering or for contact calling. Last week she began to utter sounds quite dissimilar to these. She seems to go into her throat and makes these mumbles that sound like human speech. The way I can best describe it is sort of like that electronic sound Steven Hawking makes when he speaks through his computer. It has the cadence and tone of language. Sometimes I think I can hear certain words or phrases (good girl, good morning, Daddy), but it isn't clear enough to say for sure. It is so strange. It's like I'm hearing English, but I can't quite understand what she is saying--like there is a bad connection on skype or something. These are a new development. I've never heard sounds like these come out of her before, and she is doing it more frequently. When I hear something familiar like "good girl" I repeat it to her--but then she shuts up or goes back to wolf whisling or blowing kisses.


Do you think this is the beginning of her using words? For those of you that have talking greys, does what I am describing sound familiar? If so, how long does this stage last before words start coming? I really wasn't expecting any speech for a few more months, so it has taken me by surprise.


Thanks for your comments.

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It sounds like it's definitely her "practicing" talking. The only word that Chickie says clearly is "hi," but she has many other things that I think I hear her say in mumbles. If I ask her "what did you say?" I get the same response you do...whistles and chirps. It's so fun to even just hear them mumble though, isn't it?? :)

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The way I can best describe it is sort of like that electronic sound Steven Hawking makes when he speaks through his computer.


Ha ha ha how funny, thats exactly how Archie sounds 90% of the time and i thought exactly the same thing when he does it!!



Sorry i cant comment on anything else but i have not had a baby so i have not got a clue :S

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Yes, that is exactly what she is doing.

At first, my girl would say things that sounded robotic. Then they became more clear.

Now, she runs through her whole "routine" and then does a lot of mumbling, like she is having a complete conversation in a foreign language. A few days later, she is chattering about something new.

Congratulations! This is a fun time!

Maui is a month away from having her first birthday, btw.

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You'll especially notice it if Gracie is very relaxed (in her cage, for example) and no-one is around. They can be a bit shy about practicing new vocalizations.


They seem to start with the cadence of speech. The actual sounds (words) come later.


Is it dry in your house? I curious if all of that scratching is because of dry skin (versus molting)... (Ellie has only lost a couple feathers - well there are always a few down feathers floating about - and she is almost ten months old.)

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Doug, I agree about the cadence of speech. That is what I am hearing. It is like a perfect imitation of the rhythm of English and the tone, but not words yet (although I could swear I hear some from time to time). As far as it being dry--I'm not sure. I live in eastern Oklahoma and our springs are pretty humid. I may try to mix some aloe vera in her baths and see if that helps. She is definately starting to molt--but i can't say if the scratching is related to that except it seems she is trying to get at some of those loose downy feathers that are ready to come out. I have read the first molt usually begins at 8 months and continues over the next year. So far it's mainly just her small fluffy white feathers and few tiny grey/white ones.

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