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Coming up on my 8 month mark with Bravo.


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I've kind of stayed away from posting because I've never owned a bird before and didn't want to put my foot in my mouth one day by stating something I do and later changing my mind. (Giving wrong advice/ideas so to speak.


The past 8 months, wow! What a trip it has been. There has been 2 months or so that I have had to move Bravo into the sunroom and left him alone. (I didn't give up on him) My issue was, he picked up the horriable garage door sound opening/closing! OMG!!!! He did it 10X worse! Ok, maybe if it was 2 or 3 times a day like the real garage door I could have lived with it but that just wasn't the case lol! After bringing him in on good behavior, sending him back to the sunroom when he made that sound he has pretty much stopped! THANK GOD! He loves to be around the family and he finally learned what noise sends him to his own room!


He talks, basic stuff, whistles, picked up some bird chirps from being in the sunroom, and is doing great.


I take him outside to sit with me for morning coffee but with summer almost here, not sure how long that will last. He is in need of new toys and all. I realized I need a presure washer for his cage, I'm to lazy to just scrub, want it down fast and easy.


He loves seeds and it took time to eat those colored Veggie things. Not sure what they are as the petstore I get them from just poors them in a bag. (I call them fruity pebbles) He doesn't like the green ones even though I'm told they all taste the same. It took some time for him to even start eating them but I slowed down feeding him seeds for a while and he got hungry enough to try them I guess. (He wasn't starving, he had food lol)


I will post pics soon.


I'm thinking of getting another bird 6 months or less. It may be longer but I'll see how things go. Point is I love my Bravo enough to get another!

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Kingsnake, you think that is bad, mine heard the smoke detector. And would practice it ALL. DAY. LONG. We ignored it & would put her in her sleep cage when it was close to bed time.

Seriously, I'd have a headache at the end of the day.

Now, she makes the noise less frequently.

I don't know what she doesn't mimic pleasant things - like the Cardinal which lives outside the door.

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The best way to deal with things you don`t like is to ignore the bad and praise the good. They are smart enough to know what gets your attention and what dose not.

If you put them in anouther room you may miss something good or like and you won`t be there to praise them so they can do it again.

As they learn more words and other sounds you will hear the things you don`t like less and less.

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