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Guest XxExoticPsychExX

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Guest XxExoticPsychExX

Hi everyone,


I figured it was time for me to join a forum so here I am! I'm not new to taking care of a parrot, but I am fairly new to taking care of an African Grey. He's 15 years old, 1st generation captive bred and I've had him since last August, but I've been acquainted with him since about June of 2007. He belonged to my boyfriend's mother and they've had him ever since he was a baby. They didn't have the time to socially interact with him and I was looking for a companion parrot at the time (my first passed away years ago) so they literally gave him to me.


He has come a long way from when he first came into my home. At first he was territorial of his cage, wouldn't come out, was afraid of EVERYTHING, clanged the heck out of his bell and would try to attack me when I cleaned his cage and fed him. With a lot of behavior modification, patience and love, he no longer tries to attack when I feed or clean his stuff, he willingly steps up (most of the time), always wants to be out of the cage (& on my bed instead), isn't fearful of much or even new things, isn't territorial and has greatly reduced the clanging of the bell (except in protest when it's time to go night nights).


We share a home with my parents, 3 younger brothers, 2 small dogs (1 chihuahua & 1 I don't know what he is, but a rehome), 2 cats (1 found emaciated and on the brink of death as a kitten) & a cockatiel (a rehome).


Pictures and videos will come soon :D

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Hi and welcome to you and your clan to the grey forum.

From your post it sounds like you have come a long way with your grey in a short time.

Keep up the good work and when you have any questions just ask and we will help all we can.

OH we love pictures.

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Hello XxExoticPsychExX and welcome to our family, so glad to hear you have given an older grey a new forever home.

It does take time and lots of patience to deal with an older rehome grey but he has come a long way since you first brought him into your home and who knows what more he will allow in the future.

A grey will continue to enjoy clanging of a heavy duty bell and not just because he is mad at anything, most all greys love to bang around a bell, play fight with it, attack it like it was going to eat them, they love to hear it ring and make a lot of noise with it, it sort of gets some of that frustration out of their system.

If you have any questions feel free to ask away and we will help you in any way we can but be sure to read thru as many of the threads as you can for lots of useful information from our many experienced members.

I look forward to seeing some pictures of him. BTW, what is his name?

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Guest XxExoticPsychExX

Took this picture about two hours ago. Here's Solomon!





I left my USB drive with the boyfriend and that has all my photos. Doh! :P

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Guest XxExoticPsychExX
Solomon's trying to decide if the camera is his next toy...


Lol that's exactly what he was thinking! He had that look on his face as he was coming closer to it too

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