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Ellie on her play-stand


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I have a home office with a play-stand in the corner. (See this thread for details.)




(Note: I moved the jute-wrapped ring into the "stop sign" area at the top...)


Generally, Ellie only would spend 30 minutes or so on her play-stand before flying to me or my desk. While I DID let her nap against my chest (with one hand over her head) yesterday, it is nearly impossible to get any work done if Ellie is at my desk - she will NOT stay on my shoulder. As such, she usually ends up back in her cage (in another room) until my next bathroom break.


For some reason, the past couple of days she's hung out on the play-stand for a couple of hours at a time. Of course, I keep my camera handy...


If you click on the picture, you will go to the picture's page on Flickr which has different sizes and some additional explanation (if it isn't obvious enough!)



Once the toy is gone, play with the string by shyzaboy, on Flickr



The rare bearded African Grey parrot by shyzaboy, on Flickr



Untangling the twine by shyzaboy, on Flickr



Hanging out on the swing by shyzaboy, on Flickr

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  • 4 months later...

I'v just seen your playstand well your birds play stand its ace, is there any chance you can run through how you made it, how high is it ect, remember I'm female!! We have a large brought play gym in spare room but limited to how much time we can spend in there and alfie really does not like being on his own, the gym is too large to have down stairs so somthing like yours would be great, like the casters idear easy to move from lounge to kitchen.

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