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Hi Cathryn



We spend so much time talking about how to care for our birds, the right bird food, proper size bird cage the right bird cage accessories and bird toys. But we never talk about the other side. The sadly ironic side of having a pet bird.


We've seen a picture of a bird with his head in a glass twice in the last week on Facebook. Lot's of "oh how cute" comments. We hate raining on parades BUT the single biggest reason our birds & parrots die is - we kill them.


Rather than expanding on each and every hazard, I'm going to list all the we came up with. Let us know about your experiences so we can help other pet bird owners.

Lands on edge of drinking glass, reaches down for liquid and falls head first & drowns

Flies or falls into a mop bucket

Flies or falls into a toilet

Flies into a mirror

Water bottle malfunctions while you're out-of-town for 3 days - bird suffers dehydration

Electrocution by chewing through electrical wire

Flies into open oven

Flies into boiling water pot

Fumes emitted from Teflon cookware heated over 535 degrees (Birds are 90% lungs - people)

Using Teflon coated heat lamps to keep babies warm has killed chicks even at zoos

Bird gets stuck on single toy hung in middle of cage - gets tired and can't reach cage walls to leave toy - falls off toy from exhaustion

Toe caught in knot of chain - flaps uncontrollably until injury or death

Flies into old fashion glue fly paper - flaps uncontrollably until injury or death

Mouse trap under couch

Impaled on knife or sharp object on kitchen counter

Bird gets laid on because someone thought it was cute to sleep with their bird

Flying out the door

Ingestion of home cleaning product

Sucked into a vacuum

Stepped on

Squeezed too hard by a young child

Bird bites finger, clamps on - person shakes hand to get bird to release - bird hits floor or wall and dies

Run-ins with ceiling fans (Vets call them shredded tweet!)

Second hand smoke

Crushed in a sliding glass door

Other house pet kills bird

Other birds - Lovebirds will bite other birds toes - toe loss can cause a bird to bleed to death

Wrong human food - avocado, chocolate, caffeine etc.

Place bird in outdoor cage in the morning, bird bakes in afternoon sun

Introduce sick bird into home without quarantine

Have we made our point? Join the conversation on Facebook


Mitch Rezman

Vice President

Windy City Parrot, Inc







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Yay! I can say I went thru your list and thought of each and everyone of them. I had too, since we have " open cage". I always think of my birds, as I have children. My child proof locks continue. Of course, many are not familiar with " open cage", and imagine my birds fly everywhere. Of course not. They comeout the moment I walk in the door. Nancy

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I to have my cages open from the moment i wake up until an hour before i go to bed,and i have made alot of adjusments in my living room to make sure my birds are safe, but like wingy said i would never of thought about sucking any of them up in a hoover,i mean who would be sooo stupid as to put the hoover end anywhere near their birds??

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I think it's possible to hoover up those feather balls without it being intentional. Say you're vacuuming the dust out of the curtains and your bird is curious as to what you're doing... now in the case of our greys they won't get sucked in, but they could get a wing sucked in... but a little guy like a caique or parakeet wouldn't stand a chance.


I do feel that a lot of stuff on the list is common sense (but you know what they say, common sense isn't so common anymore)... having a parrot is having a tinier flying 2 year old toddler. And when your parrot is out, you have to be watching him/her or have someone else be on watch.


Don't cook with your bird on your shoulder, for example... bird may drop something in the cooking... and second he might glide off your shoulder while cooking, also don't leave boiling pots unattended... overall the list is awesome... it's a reminder for what we need to be diligent about.

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