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Floppy grey syndrome


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Archimedes has picked up another new habit... I call it floppy grey syndrome... it's usually combines with Idontwantit and Idowantit... his symptoms include randomly flopping over when he sees something he wants (like my cellphone), or flopping over when theres something he doesn't want (his cage)


the flopping over isn't the issue (though those nails are a killer, time for trim!) it's that he get's all bitey when he realizes he's upside, and he'll grab onto a finger and just chomp on until he's turned around... or worse... he doesn't have something to chomp on so he'll pinch... yipes...


anybody else's bird suffer from floppy grey syndrome?

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Misty doesn't flop he just glues himself to my finger with his feet and refuses to step off some times. It can be hard to unstick him when he has decided he wants to stay on my hand. He won't bite but he won't budge either! Fortunately his talons are not sharp due to all the climbing about on his tree etc. He does this at bed time.If I try to put him in his cage to sleep he will refuse to step off unless I take him to the bathroom first! If I do that he is fine. It is an established routine for him now.



Steve n Misty

Edited by Mistyparrot
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Well off to the bathroom for Misty! LOL I agree, stepup tends to be easy, stepdown, stinks! Sophie is good about stepdown in most situations. When I have to leave for work, she has figured out to grab both my fingers of both hands. I am helpless! LOL! She is quite " smug" with herself. Sean will help me. Again I can see her saying to herself " darn!". Nancy

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Ozzy does the flop over too. He mostly does it when the cat is around and he wants to tease him but it is usually unexpected when he does it. We have worked with him on going on his back, which he loves so he is not usually bitty when he is hanging there but it has taken some practice to get him uprighted without any mishaps. I guess he has done it enough that we have finally figured out how to get him uprighted pretty fast. Glad to hear I am not the only one with a floppy bird. I wonder if they ever stop doing it once they have figured out it gives you a coronary when they do something so unexpected.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My Nini bird does the flop when he doesn't want to go back into his cage. It has become a bit of a game now. He flops, I swirl him around until he is upright and then he flops again...over and over....I gave up flipping him back up when I need to put him back in his cage and just put him in his cage on his back. He looks at me with a "What the heck did you just do" look and after 20 seconds or so he gets up.

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This is something I have never seen either. It is all laughs and smiles though when it is someone else's parrot. LOL. They have such a mind of their own, don't they? I love that they sound so playful with this, but getting carried away and chomping puts and end to the laughs and play. Floppy grey syndrome, LOL, I thought someone had seen my hair lately.

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