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Is Archie ok??


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I come down stairs this morning to see this on Archie,is this something i need to take him to the vets for do you think or what??,he is flying ok and being his normal self but this morning i was very worried,i did try doing this post then but i couldnt get the pictures to work on my laptop,anyway,the blood has gone now so what do you think??i have put a picture of his perch up as that is the only different thing in hes cage , no feathers, he does have red grapes in hes fruit bowl






Top of wing






Sorry they are abit blurry i had to be quick cas he kept trying to eat my phone

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In my opinion it looks like some grape stain is on his feathers, how it got there well maybe he was eating one and he turned to tend to a itch or it was flung there but if he is eating and playing like his normal self then I doubt it is blood from an injury but do keep a sharp eye for a while. I personally would not be feeding too many grapes for they are full of sugar and not much else, there are far more healthy foods he could be eating, a grape is fine for a treat now and then but not a regular part of their diet.

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Thank you everyone , i panicked this morning,


he has been hes normal self all day,i did check it over but i couldnt see anything so mayby it is just residue from the grapes,but i will keep my eyes peeled,i thought they could have as many a day as they liked so i always leave about 8 in his bowl over night,i wont be doing that now!

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Hey all! Don't stray from feeding your birds red grapes, red raspberries. We all learn! I could get a call from kids that birds looked " blue", meaning they weren't getting enough oxygen. Geez... they just were eating blueberries! Always look at your bird, see a difference in their breathing and mentation. My kids learned, and they were young. They learned quick! We are all capable of learning. Nancy

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Iam intrigued as to what happens with watermelon as Archie wont touch it ...



I didnt realise they could stain their selves , it was the first time i had seen anything red on him so just assumed it was blood,now i no if i feed red not to panic straight away,but no dought i will find something else to panic about lol

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