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Hi from Northern Ontario

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Hi there,


I'm in Northern Ontario, Canada and I've just adopted my first african grey timneh. We've had a little green quaker for the past 3 years (since he was 8 months) and have always wanted a grey. We recently had the chance to adopt 6yr old Skippy. The couple we got him from were FABULOUS but recently retired and were looking forward to traveling. We jumped at the chance to adopt skippy. He came with a ton of toys and a HUGE cage.

I think he spent a lot of time his cage in the last while at his old home, they had inherited a cat and apparently had to lock it up whenever they let skippy out. Our quaker has run of our house (he might actually rule it) and his cage is usually open (unless we're gone for extended periods) so we did the same with skippy. We've had him 3 days now and he's gettting more and more comfortable with us.

He WILL step up most of the time but doesn't ever let us touch him. He doesn't bite, unless you're really in his space and he's had enough and even then it's more of a warning nip. and we back off.

This morning he climbed down from his cage and hung out with me on the living room chair. He was there for about an hour and I shared a bowl of fruit with him, I took the tiniest pieces in my fingers and would hold it to his beak, he was SO gentle feeling around until he knew it wasn't my finger before he would take it. I guess my question is, do you think he will come around to letting us touch him? Im used to my quaker that walks up to may hand and crawls under my hand so I'll rub him and play with his feathers, my first instinct is to instantly pet him as soon as he;s on my hand. When you go to pet him he flies to my HEAD! Its bizarre.

Anyway, any helpful hints will be appreciated...I've combed the food lists and the bathing articles..All very helpful...thank you!


Skippy the African Grey

Willy the Quaker

Shirley the standard poodle

Dori the bichon frise/ toy poodle


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Hello Pam and welcome to our family, I am assuming your name is Pam and I love your log in name, adorable.

To answer your question, with some time he may come to allow some touching but a lot of us have greys who do not like to be touched very much, maybe some head scratches and neck scritches but all over petting is usually not allowed. Also as he is 6 years old he is mature and shouldn't be rubbed or stroked down the back, under the wings or anywhere near the tail area as it may cause sexual arousal and you do not want to do that. You have only had him for 3 days, not near enough time for him to become settled into his new home, greys take to change very slowly so you have to give them lots of time and be patient while they adjust but it sounds like you are doing just what is needed to make that happen.

Let him be the one to initiate any interaction, don't push him for more than he is willing to give, he does not want you touching him right now so let him decide when he is ready, you have to build trust with him to bond and it must be earned so have patience and it will come if its going to.

I commend you for adopting him and giving him a new forever home but just remember he may grieve for a while about his former owners but if you give him the chance he will come to love and trust you so take your time and let things fall into place.

We always love seeing pictures here so if you have some of Skippy you would share with us we would love to see them.

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Thanks! Wow I did not know that about Greys. I won't take it personally.

I do thinks he's grieving, he's says their names now and then. So we'll just keep doing what we're doing and not push him.


I guess I'll save my snuggles and kisses for Willy our Quaker.


Thanks for the welcome and I'll post picture soon!



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Welcome to our forum family. We also started with a smaller parrot and then brought home an older TAG. I had to go back and reread your post to understand you have had him only three days. You are well ahead of the curve for a rehome if he is sharing food and sitting on your chair so quickly. We haven't been quite so blessed as Gilbert has been traumatized by more than one rehome adjustment before he came to us. He doesn't often let me scratch his head and even then is conflicted with allowing close contact. I really have to be alert because like your quaker our little Java the red-bellied parrot is very cuddly and likes kisses on top of her head. I am afraid I will forget myself and try to kiss Gilbert on the head and lose a lip in the process. It is early to tell, but I am guessing Skippy will let you scratch his head and be close to you the way he is settling in. He will let you know when he wants a little of the closeness he sees you giving Willy.

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Hi Pam and welcometo the grey forum.

Skippy sounds like he had a good home and he may come around faster than you think.

And yes a grey is very smart and can pick up sounds and words very quickly.

Have fun because Skippy is going to change your life.

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Hiya and welcome :D


I have had my first Grey for just about a month now (2 year old rehome) and he is still amazing me everyday with more and more he shows me and lets me do, i have noticed with Archie he seems to like a stroke/scratch of an evening and that is it,during the day he will happily sit on my shoulder/lap/back where ever but if i try and stroke him he will bite me,not hard but enough so i know he does not want it,if he is on my lap he will just back away.But he is quite happy to nick my food and drink off me!Some nights he will lap up my love and turn his head to where he wants my finger while i give him a good scratch and some nights 2/3 strokes is enough,he does not really like a full body stroke ,just around hes head and under hes beak,he also likes to fly to my and sit on my head for a while during the day and play with my hair

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Thanks for the warm welcome. This place is an amazing source of information. I can't believe how quickly Skippy learns things. Being used to a Quaker (who is smart in his own right. But takes a little longer). I swear I can see that bird thinking.


Ive noticed that he makes a lot of noise when I leave the livingroom (where he is) and today he flew down the hallway after me (or he was just having a fly hard to say). He happily walked behind me into the computer room, I thought for a sec he was going to climb me to my shoulder (willy my Quaker does this often) but instead he stood in front of me staring up at me and stepped up when I offered him my hand.

I think I love him already. Even the rusty gate sound he makes when I leave the room.

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Awww that sounds lovely!!,i have been on this site only a week or so and these guys have taught and helped me sooo much already


Archie is quiet when iam in the room but as soon as i leave he is really vocal until i come back,i keep trying to teach him `mum` but he has not picked it up yet :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome to both of you! It sounds like things are moving at a good pace. Thank you for giving Skippy a new home.


Skippy may get jealous when he sees Willy getting scratched. Jealousy is a powerful motivator!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome! Agreed, being jealous is a great motivator! I was told my 5year old grey did not like to be touched. Ha, 4 months later he will not step up until you tickle his head and neck, just a few strokes and he is good to go, just from watching us with our other guy! I am still hoping it will work for the talking as Stewart clammed up when we brought him home, Oliver, a blue and gold macaw we aquired a few weeks after Stewart is talking away already so we make a big deal out of it in front of him!

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