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Update on our flock.


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Hi friends, Aristotle has been a good boy bird, & has shown a new interest for my wife.

Were a happy flock and have news to share. . .


The great news is that I was surprised to get a new addition to the flock. I have been blessed with a CAG named Paloma Picasso.


We got home last night and I am so happy to have her in our home.

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Thanks luvparrots, this was my cousins CAG that she had gotten from a local breeder. She was loved, but their family was going through tough times and my cousin felt she wasnt giving Paloma the attention she deserved.


She knew how passionate I am about our birds and decided it would be best for the bird if I took her in. I am so grateful and humbled by her generosity, and look forward to making Paloma as happy as can be.

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Very nice of your cousin and also nice of you to take her in. You're very lucky, enjoy their company :)


Thanks TWIX, im glad you bought Dj, and not a wild caught african grey at the market. your lucky too. good luck with Dj.

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So happy that your flock is integrating Paloma and giving her a nice welcome. The more I see the happy homes with more birds, the more I am sure I am picking up the MBS and here I was so sure I would be immune. Gilbert still needs a lot of TLC and doesn't take well to changes, but I hear the call of the many more parrots out there looking for a spot in my heart. So happy for you that you have a new addition, you are surely blessed. (For the uninitiated, MBS is multiple bird syndrome... be aware, be very aware, it sneaks up on you. Stay out of the Amazon room, I swear those Amazons are looking right at me and saying "what are you waiting for?")

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Katana600 LOL! I guess we suffer from MBS. As far as avoiding the Amazon room, it is tough to do! Just to encourage you to take a look at that room, my girl Kiki our Orange Winged Amazon, was here even before Sophie, my grey. Not by much in time. They have grownup together. Kiki always encouraged Sophie to fly, try new foods, take a risk. Sophie my grey, never was allowed to settle, take the easy road. More from Kiki's influence then us. Kiki our Amazon is superior physically, food and toy exploration. Sophie is superior with intelligence, able to organize the entire flock. Is one more superior than the other? I don't think so! Nancy

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  • 2 weeks later...

Congrats to the happy new papa of a sweet little girl. I am so happy with your flock addition and also with the caring way you have approached this gift and opened your heart and home. I am definitely going to the Amazon room more than I ever planned to do and I love the boisterous personality of these gregarious little darlings. We learn something new from every parrot, regardless of their species. Every one of them is unique and wonderful in his or her own way. I am thinking Paloma is going to add her own little flair to your flock and keep things interesting for you in the years to come.

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Welcome to Paloma! She's lovely!


How old is she?


Thanks Doug, shes about 2 years old. I remember when my cousin first got her and hewr eyes were dark, now they have a light touch of grey.


Shes been a real sweeetheart, & mumbles something everytime I get close. She lets me stroke her, I know that Im in LOVE.


Aristotles happy to have her home too. Hows Elegua?

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Congrats to the happy new papa of a sweet little girl. I am so happy with your flock addition and also with the caring way you have approached this gift and opened your heart. I am thinking Paloma is going to add her own little flair to your flock and keep things interesting for you in the years to come.


I always think of Gilbert when Aristotle lures me over to try to take a bite, but Ill always love him anyhow.

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