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Eating habits


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My boy Bill used to be a good eater. Ate his pellets, fruits, veggies. All of a sudden now he will not eat fruit, veggies, and he throws his pellets. I may have made a mistake in giving him scrambled eggs. That is all he will eat now. I am afraid he is getting too much protein.

How can I get him to eat other foods. He seems to be so spoiled!!!

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Some scrambled egg several times a week is fine but not on a daily basis, do not give it to him every day even if he throws a hissy fit, continue to provide him with the foods he used to eat but maybe prepare them in a different way, for example if you were giving him cooked carrots try giving him raw, when he realizes he is not going to get the egg then he will eat what is there. Just because he wants it is no reason to continue to give it to him, he is having a little tantrum to get his way and it is up to you to not give in, would you give your human children everything they want just because they throw a fit.

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Archimedes goes through similar stages too, one day he will eat a veg like it's the best thing ever and will refuse anything else, and the next it's like I'm trying to poison him. I say just continue to give Bill a variety of foods as you normally would, and model eating in front of him. Nothing drives Archimedes crazy when I eat something in front of him and keep it just out of reach. You could also make an omelette but use just the littlest bit of egg just to bind it all together, and a whole bunch of veg

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  • 4 weeks later...

I never go crazy about what they like, or don't like. I guess I should be happy that I have tons of teenagers, interested in any food offered. Birds all act the sameway. Any fresh fruits and veggies, or omelettes for that matter, are there, for a short period of time. SOMEONE, is going to eat it! The competition has created an enviroment, of three birds that eat quite healthy. Nancy

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Don't take the seed away but do offer some veggies and good stuff and start cutting back on the amount of seed you give him and by all means do not let him see you eat scrambled eggs for they are like monkey see monkey want. Try giving him some boiled egg twice a week instead of scrambled and see how that goes, if he ate vegetables, grains, nuts, pellets and fruits before he should eventually return to eating them again but as long as there is something to eat he won't starve.

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