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A wonderful turn around with Tui.

Cheshire Cat

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Firstly, I'd just like to say that I'm sorry I haven't been around much. Things have gone on and I just haven't had much online time.


The main reason for this post is because I'm so happy with Tui's behaviour and just recently she's started showing more love and appreciation to me specifically. My ex moved out a couple of months ago and she was very attached to him, but since he's gone she's starting to show signs of bonding with me which is something which I was always greatly disappointed about.


Just last night she sat on me while I was watching the TV and put her head to me, wanting me to stroke her head. She also watches me carefully when in other rooms and will fly to me if I go to walk out of the room. As I type this, she's scampering all over the table and messing with a bag, trying to see what's in it.


Also her speech has come along very well, too. Tui has never been an overly vocal bird. Considering that she's about two now, she's only just starting to talk more. She says 'hello', 'hello, Tui', 'how are you?' and even calls my dad's name which is hilarious. I'll be getting up in a morning and she starts calling 'Paul' but in my mom's voice. ;)


Anyway, just thought I'd check in and say hello and pass along some news on Tui. I even have some pictures which I may post later.

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Thank you for your kind words. It's absolutely wonderful to have Tui following me around more now - you can tell she's becoming much mroe dependent on me. Strangely enough, and I'm not sure why, but she only talks if she's alone with me. She very rarely speaks around other people. Do any of you know why this might be?

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Hi and thanks for the update. It sounds like you have been through a rough transition of some sort. I am glad to hear Tui has been your joy through that. Love that it has brought you closer and she is your buddy now, following you and opening up to you. Lots of greys won't speak even in front of their beloved human until they have practiced and practiced while alone. Ours would turn his back and talk in a whisper and only talk loud and clear when we were out of the room. I think it is very special that she is starting to say things in your presence, she must feel really comfortable with you. You are just beginning with the talking and I think once the talking starts and she is encouraged with her success she will be chatting away regardless of who is in the room.

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