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feeling guilty

Guest briansmum

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Guest briansmum

how many times have our birds made us feel guitly? i thought it might good to have somewhere we can share all the times we've felt like mean mummies and daddies.


for example, tonight is friday night and we haven't gone out so we're enjoying a drink at home, and i have a drop of vodka in my orange juice (yummy) ;) unfortunately brian likes orange juice too.


every time i pick my glass up he flies over, lands next to me and says "oooh!" which is what he does whenever theres something he really wants. so i move the glass away, he gets closer and jumps on my arm saying "oooh!" again.


i tell him no sweetheart you can't have this and put him back on the chair arm and he gives me the sweetest, saddest little whistle ever and flies away to go sit on his boing rope with his back to me. so dejected :( i will bring him his own glass back next time i go to the kitchen.. minus the vodka :P

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LOL Beccy, I think you are entitled to an "adult" drink every once in a while ;)!! Although I would be running into the kitchen and getting him his own glass too :silly:!


My guilty moments are when I have to leave the house... I just see him in his cage looking at me with that "don't leave me" look! I feel so bad, I just want to spend every second with him!!

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Guest briansmum

awww so sweet. i used to hate leaving brian but now i think he enjoys short periods on his own, gives him chance to practice his voice and beat up his toys without being asked to be quiet. i know this because if i go to take a bath and he can't see me he thinks i've gone but i can hear exactly what he's doing

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LOL...mine is the same way! I feel really bad about tonight. I have inventory at the warehouse that I work at and I left this morning at 6:15am (my usual time)and I'm not going to be home till the very earliest of 12:30am…might be much later. I left the TV on for him and he has the finches to scream at, but I still feel sooooo bad I have to be gone all day.<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2007/09/21 21:48

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Yeah, I'm sure he will wake up when I get home...I'll probably take him out for a few so he gets his daily lovin'. I had him out while I fed all the bird this morning but that was only like, 10 min or so.


if not I'll be like... psss...Psss...PSSSSS!! at his cage till he does. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Guest briansmum

that was part of the reason i cut down brians out of cage time, he was out all day except for bed time and when i wasn't home. he seemed to start taking a big dislike to his cage, to the point he wouldnt even eat in there. he still has loads of out of cage time, but now i know when he is in his cage he's happy being there.

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Guest briansmum

LOL we all have that problem, they're so addictive and you have 3!


i wasn't suggesting everyone else would have the same problem i just sensed early signs of seperation anxiety in brian and wanted to nip it in the bud. i think he might have an oedipus complex. he does really hate my other half.


ooops off topic.. brian makes me feel really guilty when i give him veggies he doesn't like, he'll pick one up with his foot, have a taste, wave it about and look at me before flinging it as far away as possible. if looks could kill i'd drop dead every time there was spring greens in his food bowl. bad mummy, very very bad! :lol:

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This has been fun reading about how you feel so guilty about leaving your little ones when you have to be out. But think of it like this, they probably enjoy some time to themselves like we do, I enjoy some time alone to think and relax and it gives them some time to play with their toys and entertain themselves for a while.

Don't feel guilty, you deserve it and so do they.

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Jiggy hates bedtime. When I start the bedtime routine, she makes this little noise and wants to sit on my shoulder. She is not a shoulder sitter usually. she likes to be with me but not so much on my shoulder. but come bedtime, she gets some extra time and will happily sit on my shoulder for ever. It is funny, as she is usually so active, but at this time she sits ever so quietly with me. When I go to put her in her cage she makes that little pleading noise again, clings to the bars of the cage with "that look". She knows it is our alone/quiet time together and hates it to end.

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I'm not certain I feel guilt, but I do feel sorry for Dayo that we must work to pay for his expensive habits and love for Toys, also when he must go Night-Night.


But, it is all for his welfare (and ours) much like small children don't understand the big picture.


We all do the best we can, I believe and Love our Greys and other Parrots/Birds as if they were one of our own children. :-)

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I'm glad this came up - I've been a little concerned, too. What I wonder is, what do the birds think about the change in routine on the weekends? I imagine they get used to it in time, but was curious to see what other grey owners have experienced. Normally, I'm at work all day & let Klaus out with me for at least 2 hours when I get home at night. Scott works afternoons and many times he's able to get Klaus out for awhile during the day. On the weekend, Klaus gets to come out right away with me in the morning while I have coffee & read the paper. After about an hour I put him back so I can run errands & do housework. Sometimes he gets a little extra "out" time on a weekend afternoon. And, definitely he gets the 6-8:00 pm that he always gets on a weekday. I feel guilty today because he knows I'm home, of course! But I've been in and out running errands and also doing yard work. I'd like to hear from people who have had their greys longer than a couple of months and what you've observed about them settling into the household routine.


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Guest briansmum

i tried never to have too strict a routine with brian, feeding times are around the same time and his in and out of cage time is again about the same, but sometimes i purposefully add variation and he seems to be fine with things not being at the usual time. as when i'm in and when im out vary so i can be confident he is not fretting over my absence

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I feel guilty when I leave for work in the mornings. I have to walk right by Dayo, and he looks up at me and gives me his sweet little baby cry. It just melts my heart every time. I feel like I'm being cruel. But I think he knows how much I love him. He is always happy to see me when I come home. He waddles over to say "hi" as I walk right by his cage.

It's funny, when I get home, I have to greet 2 Dobermans, then Dayo, then Jake starts squaking, and I greet him. Whew, by the time I do all this it's time to feed them all. It fun around here when I come home.

I love my Grey!!!


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