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I found him


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I left home early in the morning today, for my ultimate search of finding a decent breeder. I ended up in Sharjah Bird Market, and i was completely shocked! I go there from time to time but i have never been there on Fridays. Bird sellers where not only inside the market, but they were outside on the road! A hundred of them maybe, bird cages everywhere "Shocking"....


I have seen not only birds, but also monkeys, snakes, cats, dogs, and some other animals that i didn't know what they are.


What really made me sad is seeing a lot of Wild CAGs in cages, looking scared and sad. I have listened to what some members here told me "Never buy a wild parrot" but i wanted to see for myself. You can't get near their cages, they will scream immediately. They don't play, or behave as any ordinary happy bird. Really sad! They were priced cheap also, kind of telling visitors BUY ME! Anyway, i looked at every cage, inside and Outside the market, and for my surprise i saw three beautiful CAGs looking all healthy and playing :) so i approached the guy and started asking him questions (Loads of them). He told me he is a local breeder for CAGs only....Wow...I was so happy. I checked the birds and they had the most amazing feather and they were so gentle and loving, one of them wanted a scratch :) After spending about half an hour with the beautiful birds, i left to check the rest of the market. I met an old man who is carrying an Amazon in his hands, i asked for the price and it was really cheap. I took the Amazon to the vet to get him checked before i buy him, and i was advised not to. So i searched again and again, but nothing was better than the 3 birds i saw with the local breeder.


So i got back to him and made my choice, thought they were expensive compared to the market, but i was happy to buy as i can see the difference. I liked one of them and took him to the same vet, who gave me the green light. I paid the breeder and gave the bird to the vet so he can give him some medicine and some shots to avoid possible diseases.


Now the lovely bird is home, here with us. He is 7 months old and eats by himself. Here are some photos i have just taken:













I don't know if it's a He or She yet, i will do the DNA test later. No name yet, so i would like you guys to suggest the name. We ARE SO EXCITED

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@ Wingy: I actually DID. What i paid is three times more than what they were offering, and i made sure to take my bird and show it to them. I made it clear that i did pay more to the breeder willingly. Do not worry, i felt like i had to tell them this. They will never learn though. One of the shops had at least 50 wild CAGs.I will make sure to take photos and maybe a video, i may visit again tomorrow to buy some food for my CAG.

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Congrats on your new addition, knew it wouldn't be long before you had another grey but so glad to hear you told those others offering wild caught greys for sale that you were willing to spend much more on hand raised babies. Sadly the practice of selling wild caught greys will only stop when people stop buying them, so sad their plight of spending their life in small cages when they were used to being free.

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  aerial.2000 said:
I am soooooooooo happy for yoU! :D Im glad you found your new baby ...

new names huh? You should use Makena :) it is african for "HAPPY ONE" :) smiles



Hey Aeriel I still need a name, I may just use Makena I like the sound of that. Hope you don't mind.

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A quick update on his personality: He is a very careful parrot! Does not trust me yet, not my wife, my kid or the maid. I am getting closer and closer to him. He loves to get a scratch, but he would not ask for one. If i start doing it, he will close his eyes and almost sleep. Not playful, not interested in toys and spend most of his time sleeping! I offered him the ready mixed food, but he didn't like it, he loves fresh food as in corn. Corn is his favorite and he can't resist it, so i just gave him a big piece and he is having fun with it :)

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Congratulations! You will have a wonderful time with little DJ, I'm sure he will come around slowly- yesterday was a pretty eventful day for the little tyke and what ever the vet gave him/her may have him/her feeling a little off. Go slowly & he/she will quickly realize what a wonderful home he/she now has!! Enjoy your new baby, so happy you have another grey in your life. :)

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Thanks Judy, it is true, so i am all patience. The problem is, he is not eating well! I did what my breeder told me to do, but still he does not want to eat. I took him to my Vet again and the vet confirmed he is fine and nothing is wrong with him. He said, this maybe because of his new environment and he will start eating soon. I don't know what to believe, not eating is a sign of illness as i have been reading a lot. It could be because of the medicine he took (2 injections). What makes me not really worried, the fact that he is strong and well. If he doesn't eat in the morning then he will go with me to Abu Dhabi and get checked by an Avian Vet. I made sure that his cage is clean and covered so it will be worm when he sleeps. Food and fresh water is there too.


I started seeing some signs of bonding, as i put him on the floor where the whole family was and he came straight to me! I would really want to keep him safe and sound, see the relationship with him grow, and he grow older with me.



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I just signed on for a minute and saw your post and it made my heart sing. You are such a kind a thoughtful family to gather round and try again. DJ is adorable and you will get over the little bumps in the process of getting to know one another. Thanks so much for sticking with us and letting us know you found your little friend.

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I tried the oatmeal but he rejected it. I even used Twix's baby food, he tasted it and then licked the spoon 5 or 6 times only and stopped! I am in the "What if" stage now...I am taking him to the Breeder first, i will put him in his old environment and see if his behavior will change and start eating. If not then the Avian Vet is next.

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Yes indeed, we woke up half an hour ago and he was whistling! He looked much more happy and guess what? He started eating the baby mix i gave him few hours ago, i just made a fresh one and he is eating it alone :) very slow though, but at least he is eating. It is so awesome to have him at home, my wife and daughter are happy too :)

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I am so relieved DJ is eating for you. After what you have been through, it is natural to be a little extra vigilant looking for signs. I was kind of holding my breath for you too. He just had a big transition from what was familiar to him and probably is just looking around in awe at the great fortune he has found bestowed upon him with the love and attention of your family and is still pinching himself to make sure it is not a dream. This is such great news that he is eating and whistling.

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  ariisamis said:
Hey Aeriel I still need a name, I may just use Makena I like the sound of that. Hope you don't mind.
Awwwwwwwwww please do :D that would be great ... I so wanted to switch Marco's name cuz he is a girl but ... its been Marco for 3 months now lol ... and we are just going to keep it girl or not! :D Makena is a great name!


  TWIX said:
A quick update on his personality: He is a very careful parrot! Does not trust me yet, not my wife, my kid or the maid. I am getting closer and closer to him. He loves to get a scratch, but he would not ask for one. If i start doing it, he will close his eyes and almost sleep. Not playful, not interested in toys and spend most of his time sleeping! I offered him the ready mixed food, but he didn't like it, he loves fresh food as in corn. Corn is his favorite and he can't resist it, so i just gave him a big piece and he is having fun with it :)
YEAH!!!! this is so great for you and your family! Im so happy for you and lil DJ


  TWIX said:
Thanks Judy, it is true, so i am all patience. The problem is, he is not eating well! I did what my breeder told me to do, but still he does not want to eat. I took him to my Vet again and the vet confirmed he is fine and nothing is wrong with him. He said, this maybe because of his new environment and he will start eating soon. I don't know what to believe, not eating is a sign of illness as i have been reading a lot. It could be because of the medicine he took (2 injections). What makes me not really worried, the fact that he is strong and well. If he doesn't eat in the morning then he will go with me to Abu Dhabi and get checked by an Avian Vet. I made sure that his cage is clean and covered so it will be worm when he sleeps. Food and fresh water is there too.


I started seeing some signs of bonding, as i put him on the floor where the whole family was and he came straight to me! I would really want to keep him safe and sound, see the relationship with him grow, and he grow older with me.



Its heart warming what a good parront you are! DJ is definately in the right hands!
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