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THis is how Nilah eats off of my plate...UGH!


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Here is a perfect example of how Nilah feels about food. It's all hers!!!! When we have chicken & gravy,sShe stands in the gravy and eats, or stands in the spaghetti and sauce...!!! It's always on MY plate!!!!!!!







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Ana Grey is the one of my fids that always wants to eat what I am eating. She steals from my hands and has a gay old time. But she is very good about eating off of my plate, she never steps in my plate and always eats from the corner/edge where I have placed food especially for her. If she smells food cooking she comes running/flying to me so if I want to eat in peace, I have to put her in the bird room and close the door.

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You are all so funny on this thread. When I saw the toast cut up, like you would be eating it with a knife and fork, I was wondering about you Penny. Nilah is extra special to be sharing her plate with you. All of your birds are so polite to let you share "their" plates. Ray, I am impressed with your restraint, I might tell them "well I not as concerned about them 'dropping' on the table as I am about you not realizing that you shouldn't eat the gift they left you". Hahahaha. Gilbert isn't brave enough to get that far from his cage to come eat at the table yet, but I still have hope for him. I do bring food to them when I am eating so we can share. Murfchick, I saw the way you put the table perch on a tray, great idea, I wouldn't have thought of that.

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Oh, I have table perches for,them with food cups right on the table, but all 3 of them will march on over to our plates and eat until their hearts content going from plate to plate. Rikki even grabs the fork out of my hand and pulls my hand away with it repeatedly, like I'm not allowed to eat my own food that I cooked!!!


For lunch most days, I eat yogurt and there isn't much to share, so I will take my yogurt and run upstairs into my bedroom and slamming my door shut to eat my lunch ALL BY MYSELF in front of my computer.

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Archies a cheeky little so and so when it comes to food,he used to take the bit i gave him and be quite happy with that,past few days he has spat it out straight away,i put the same bit on my plate then offer it to him and he eats it

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I share my breakfast and lunch with him , i say share i cut him off a big enough piece (plus iam a fast eater) that it lasts him until i finish,brekkie is crumpets,he takes hes bit then thats that,lunch he has a bit of my crust,i dont sit there and let him bite my food while i eat it, dinner times my family sit at the dinner table which is in a seperate room which no animlas are allowed in so i get that to myself

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When babies are young, in my opinion, they are allowed and invited to sit at the table, if they choose. They are given a plate, and have food on it.They are more than welcome to sit at the table, and eat. Only off their own plate! They can NOT eat off my plate or kids. Need to learn table manners! ( Talon.... get back to the table!) As time went on, they came to the table less and less. Nancy

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I tend to be a very laid back person for the most part. I have no problem in sharing my food. I always eat breakfast and dinner at the table. The birds go in their cages for lunch and they get their own snack. I very much enjoy having them at the table and being part of the family. If others don't like it, they should not come to my house to eat! Don't get me wrong, when it is a birthday celebration or any holiday dinner, they go to their cages with their own bowls of the same food we are having. But allowing them to eat with us at other times, whether it is on their plate or mine is something we embrace.

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Talon, i am totally with you. My fids have breakfast in their cage because that time allows me to clean the cages and the room. They are out, for the most part, the rest of the day. My husband is up at 3 am and sometimes not home until 6 pm so dinner with the boys is "his" time with them. There are times when they eat on their stands or in their cage and they don't complain, but they are few and far between. We love this time with them and would never trade it for anything. They are truley my babies.

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I would like to have Archie in the dinning room with us,as i still dont get to eat in peace as such because he spends the whole time calling me which makes me feel really guilty :( but my hubby wont have it,he has strict rules about any of our animlas being in the dinning room when we are eating,but very soon he wont have a choice as we are knocking the wall down between the living/bird room and the dinning room to open it all up,then the now dinning room will become the bird room with perches and toys every where sooo excited :D and we are getting a smaller table so it sstill fits in there with the cages , then me and my baby will never be seperated :D :D

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Talon... noone is disagreeing with you, that birds are welcome at the table. They get a plate, you get a plate. As well as rest of family. Your baby of three years, needs to know, " this" is what is allowed! You need to set " behavior limits!" If you don't before she is four, she will rule you. I just want to be here for you, and support you! Nancy

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Talon... noone is disagreeing with you, that birds are welcome at the table. They get a plate, you get a plate. As well as rest of family. Your baby of three years, needs to know, " this" is what is allowed! You need to set " behavior limits!" If you don't before she is four, she will rule you. I just want to be here for you, and support you! Nancy


I never thought anyone WAS disagreeing with me, and frankly, I don't care if they do or don't. This is how it is in my house per my rules, not theirs. They do not rule the roost and they know it. But allowing them to eat off my plate even tho they have their own as well is allowed because I allow it. I am not a dictator when it comes to my kids or pets. I set limits, and they all know it. My limits may be more relaxed than others, but that is who I am, and having 2 birds that are 7 years old who listen to me and want to please me tells me otherwise. We are very happy here, and the way I raise my pets and kids is in the best interest of my family.


I really don't see why sharing a picture of Nilah standing on her toast is such a big deal. I personally thought it was cute and wanted to share. So what if others are horrified by it and think she walks all over my, that couldn't be further from the truth. They don't live in my house! Lol

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What is perfectly acceptable for one person might offend someone else, that is what makes us all individuals so if the picture offends you then just don't look at it. I have had my birds in my plate but its not something I allow as a rule as I prefer they eat from their own container, you don't know where those feet have been or what they may have stepped into!

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Perfectly stated Judy! As I said, this is not something that goes on every day at every meal. And who's to say, I dont move her. Good grief!! Such controversy over me & how I handle my birds. Considering no one lives in my house to see what goes on, then no one should be passing judgments out.


Funny how one funny picture I posted had me feeling as tho I have to EXPLAIN myself!! I will think twice next time about posting photos here as admin, maybe I should just sit in the background and not participate!

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Oh Penny please continue to post about Nilah and the others. I love to see your headstrong zon and how you deal with her. She is a character all of her own and I love her antics. A little rebel so to say. I don't know which is more of a challenge your Nilah or my Louie. Want to swap zons for a week and see what happens???? LOL!!!!

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