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Archie hates my son


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I could do with a bit of advice on how to handle this , bit of home knowledge for you all first.In my home is....


Me,Hubby,2 sons 12 and 10 , 2 dogs,2 cockatiels and a cat.


Iam `the chosen one` , my hubby was not liked to start with but now Archie will tolerate him as long as he does not try to touch him,


One tiel does nothing but sit on the cage and the other one will try and interact with Archie and again aslong as she does not get to close its ok,obviously the cat is not allowed in the same room as my birds,the youngest son seems to be tolerated aswell,he can give him food but thats as far as it goes


now,as for my eldest son,well,he is hated and i mean hated!!as soon as he enters the same room as Archie , he puffs up and kind of flaps hes wings ?and last night it was took to a new level,i was on the sofa with Archie,Ben walked in and Archie done the usual puff up and flap,but then charged along the sofa to try and get ben to bite him,so ben walked out and then Archie turned around charged at me,(i didnt know a bird could move so fast!)jumped on my mobile phone i had in my hand and went mad!!

The only way i can describe it is,like a bird of prey swooping down, landing and then covering the food with its wings while eating its catch,it was like a frenzy,obviously my phone did not survive,but ill admit i was scared as he was on my lap and ive never seen him like this before,he calmed down then about 2 hours later Ben walked in the room again and the same thing happened only this time it was one of hes toys that coped it


Any Help advice on this matter would be greatly appreciated, as i know it sounds horrible, i now dont want my son coming in the living room incase Archie attacks , and mayby nexttime it might be my son?

Ben has never done anything to Archie to make him this way,infact on the first day we had him home BBen sat by hes cage talking to him all day

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How long have you had Archie? Is he a rehomed grey?


The only thing I can think of based on your description, is perhaps there is something your elder son wears or perhaps even something personal thats different such as his hair style, arm bands anything that might trigger a reaction as you describe.


When did this behavior begin and can you link it to anything specifically different about your son or something he may have done, when this started?


Does your elder son perhaps sit next to you more often or hug etc that Archie could possibly perceive as a threat he wants removed from the area of his 'chosen one", namely you?

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We have re homed Archie from his second owner so we are hes 3rd,we have had him just under a month now,the one we got him from was a single man on his own no other animals except this other small parrot which i cannot remember what it is called but its bright yellow :S but apparently they got on


Both my boys have the same hair style and colour,but ben does smell alot different to all of us as he is going through the stage of putting a whole can of deodrant on every day, which is over powering,


It started about a week after Archie being here , first he wasnt to bad he just puffed up if ben acknowledged him, but past few days ben does not have to say anything or do anything,he literally just has to walk in the room and Archie puffs up and you can just tell he is not happy about ben being in the room at all,and he wont calm down until ben leaves


I dought its trying to get him away from me as my hubby can sit next to me with archie on my lap and aslong as he dont try and touch archie its fine,


i just dont know what to do as obviously i dont want to ban my son from hes own living room but then i dont want him to be attacked either,luckily its not a major problem as such as ben is either upstairs on his xbox or playing out now the weathers nice here but would still be nice for him to be tolerated

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Well, since you brought up the over powering aroma your older son exudes, perhaps you could suggest he lighten it up. :)


Under a month is not nearly enough time for archie to feel at home and being true part of the flock. Also, all come with baggage from previous, and there is no telling what the poor guy may have been put through. Just plenty of time, patience and nothing for the near future that will upset him such as forcing a a bath or toweling to kept him in the cage at night. The most important thing that must be built right now is trust and getting to know each others body language to avoid unnecessary confrontations.

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Some greys have strange idiosyncrasies. Some of our members' greys get upset over fingernails colors or clothing colors, who knows why. I do know that greys' do have a very strong sense of smell that is why there should be no scented candles used, room freshers, etc. Because of the air pockets our greys have in their lungs, the lungs are very sensitive. Hopefully less deodrant or a less scented type on Ben should be helpful. Let is know if that helps.

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Believe me i nag him every day about the amount of smellys he puts on hopefully he will listen soon,what do you mean by toweling??i put him in hes cage at 830pm and he gets covered when we go to bed about 10pm


If you think it is just a matter of time and patients then that is deffinatly something we can do , iam just a natural worrier , but i think i have noticed something tonight,as again Archie was on my lap,(Bens upstairs) and my hubby gave me our home phone,as he put it on the sofa Archie charged at it and re-done the same thing as last night,not as bad as my home phone survived lol,so putting the fact last night was my mobile and tonight my home phone mayby Archie just does not like phones and i was linking it to Ben,i think i shall have to keep my eye on this and see


I feel really bad now as i didnt know we couldnt use air freshners in the room,i have an automatic spray one on the wall which sprays every half hour,i can assure you it has been taken down right now so thank you for that infomation

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I have to agree it might be the deodorant smell, they do have more sensitive respiratory systems than we do so see if he can cut back on how much he uses and see if it makes any difference cause if it is overpowering to you then imagine what it must be for Archie.

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As everyoen said time and perhaps using an unscented formula....


Could be also that your son reminds him of his previous owner in some way and is taking it out on him....


My mother is the hated person and it was very bad-- Took would attack her. It's been a bit over a year now and finally within the past few weeks, Took has finally learned to tolerate and even like my mother. Not so much that we trust Took around mom, but she doesn't attack anymore. I hope your son, the rest of your family, and you are willing to put that much time and effort into this bird. His you rehomed him as the 3rd owner, I guess you figured you'd have baggage to deal with so you're ready!

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Oh yes deffinatly,Archie is not going anywhere,iam in the process of making plans to knock a wall down and open up a whole room that will have perches hanging off the ceiling and everything for him!cant wait :D


It might be the fact he does resemble his old owner abit,same height, hair colour ,deep voice,


This is deffintaly something we are all going to work on ,iam not expecting miracles,just to tolerate being in the same room would be enough for me , thanks for the advice everyone hopefully in a few weeks i shall be able to post in here that they are ok sort of lol

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First off... thank you for rescuing this fantastic guy! How old is he? Your son is young, and needs to be told " he is doing nothing wrong!" I agree with all, your son needs to agree to limit the deoderant. He needs to be onboard for things to work as a family. Your baby also shows same symtoms for other things that stress him. It will be a long process, but your goals are obtainable. Family needs to be committed for the best outcome. Of course, we are all here to help you. We all have had rescues, rehomed, and have learned quite a bit. Nancy

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