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Let GO!!!!


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How am I supposed to deal with my bird latching on with a bite and not letting go. I know you are supposed to not react but it hurts so bad. She got my bottom lip last night and I was scared to pull away because I didn't want my lip ripped off. She never gets me hard enough to draw blood and I am sure she could if she wanted to, but I need to know how to get her to release the bite. After I got away last night I promptly put her on her stand and ignored her and today I have a huge welt on my lip! Can someone help me please, I am starting to get scared.

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Oh my! I know how painful that can be, and frightening. If she bites your lip and doesnt let go, you have to do whatever you can to get her to let go. I would take my other hand and use my fingers to try and force her beak open until she released my lip. Other body parts, I have good luck with lightly blowing on her face, she will let go to shake her head from the breeze. After one bite like you had, I would keep my face away from hers. One bite and you could end up at the doctors getting stictches.:( I have 3 parrots, one is not allowed close enough to my face as she is unpredictable and startles easily. I know she is an occasional biter when frightened, so I never allow her near my face. She can sit on my shoulder, but I keep my face turned away just n case.

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I would raise a hand quickly and hopefully your grey will let go to see what is going on with the hand. That is how I got my older ekkie to let go when he use to lock his beak and tongue on my arm. I would raise the other arm/hand upward where he could see it. It can be very scarey.

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It depends on how young your baby is. If you are going thru terrible two's etc. None of my birds were allowed to be past wrist status, until they were three, sometimes four, The terrible two's can go on until they are four. I never provided them with distractions, but I'm sure thats a great idea! Once they trusted me and desired to be with me, they understood, they weren't allowed to bite! Nancy

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