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Lillie stresses at bedtime :(


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Ok everyone I have had Lillie for a little over a month now and she has been a true blessing to my entire family. I believe I have mentioned in earlier post that she is 8 years old and a plucker. My question is, does anyones elses CAG stress when its time for you to go to bed? Lillies cage is right outside our bedroom door and every night when we get ready to turn in she starts stressing. she will cling to the side of the cage closest to our bedroom and start yelling Wheee, then she makes what i call baby grey noises and she will hunker down and start fluttering her wings, when we finally turn out the lights it sounds like she is running races in her cage. She finally will settle down and will sit there all night, over her water bowl and in the morning it is usually full of down feathers or new feather barbs that are coming in. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get rid of this bedtime stress...if thats what it is? It breaks my heart seeing her stress like this when I go to bed :(

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Do you cover the cage? Did you check for noises when it's dark? My CAG is very afraid of dog's barking outside of our house during the night. But I can't do anything about it because it's not our dog. I just turn on the small lamp and pet her a little so she can calm, and then leave the lights on and go to bed. The cage placed just outside the door can be very stressful for the bird, and not only during the night. You could try to take Lillie to a smaller night-time-cage, put it in some very quite place, and cover it. But she must get used to a smaller cage first. Good luck. I can uderstand you because I can't sleep when my CAG can't settle down for night. In those cases I usually stay up all night.What can I say? Our fids are our babies! :)

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Her cage is in the living room and sits against a wall next to the entrance to my bedroom, I leave the door open at night. She sleeps between 8 and 10 hours per night. She came with this cage, it is very large but it is the same cage she has been in for 6 of her 8 years. Do you think I should cover her cage at night? From what I understand from her previous owner she has never been covered at night. We live out in the country with no neighbors, but we do have 3 dogs that ocassionally bark at night, but their barking does not seem to bother her, during the day when they bark she usually barks right along with them. She does not stress this way when I leave for work, its only at bedtime. Thanks everyone!

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I don't have an answer for you! I wish I did. I WOULD have a thought, but not sure, since she is stressing to the point of maybe plucking. I do know, she is trying to charm you so that she doesn't have to go to bed. She is more sensitive since she is pulling out her down feathers. I hope others here with more experience have a plan for you Nancy

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Have you tried taking her out for some sunshine? It may sound weird, but it really calms my birds down to get regular trips outside in the sun. I notice you live in Texas, so that should be possible there. Just 15 minutes a day should do it. If you try it let me know how it goes. I wish Lillie well.


Also, do you pet her before bed? Maybe if you had a little calming time before bed she might transition better. Just a thought. Feather-plucking is heart-breaking.

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Thanks for all of the great advice! She does get sunshine, just not a daily dose, I usually put her cage on the front porch at least 2-3 times a week and she absolutely loves the sun and being outside. I will try the feather duster idea (I would have never thought of this) and I will also give reading a try. Thanks again for all of the wonderful advice :)

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