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Who new how fun a cereal box could be?


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I put an empty box (club crackers...) on the playtop of Ellie's cage. Then I showed it to her. She started her barely audible growl and puffed up her feathers. Even once I put a peanut in the opening, she won't approach it.


Her acceptance of new things has gone down dramatically in the past three months (she's almost nine months old). Now I'm starting to see what all other grey owners have been reporting!

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Thanks everyone i thought he looked so cute.....it was kind of a mistake doug,i have abig cardboard box i keep all of Archies toys in and i noticed he was chewing it yesterday,so my children finished the cereal this morning so i took it into the living room and meant to tear it up abit and put it in hes box for a later date,i chucked it on the sofa and went and got my brekkie and coffee came back and he had flown from his cage to it and was having lots of fun so i left him to it

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How i started with Archie (bear in mind i have no idea what he did/did not play with before) was i read in another forum,get the tube from inside a toilet roll put their favorate food inside , pistachios for archie, and stuff the ends with pine cones,i then left it on the sofa that Archie was on it took him about half a day to get the courage to touch it and then about 5 mins to tear it apart but he loves it and now nothing is safe with him around he wants to shred everything!! thats why i cover my leather sofa with blankets as he has ruined it already

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So following recommendations, after dinner (and after her shower), I put the box on the kitchen counter and put some incentive (peanuts) inside.


Hesitantly, she crept up to the box, snatched a peanut and took her treat well away from the scary box.


After a couple peanuts, she decided to explore the counter (her first time on the kitchen counter - she's normally on her window perch or my shoulder when we're in the kitchen). She did take a couple nibbles on the box top, but she never got too bold. We'll try again...



Trying to tempt her to play with a box by shyzaboy, on Flickr

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I had to put empty cardboard boxes on TOP of my kitchen cabinets to keep my birds from chewing the tops of my cupboards. There are about 5 right now. They spend lots of time renovating them......every once and a while. I throw it away when there is not much left and replace it. That keeps them busy starting all over again.

I know it isn't necessarily a good thing as it encourages egg laying...but for now, I am risking it.

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All the same feelings (good and bad) as with my kids! Pride, amusement, frustration, anger. Love...


Last night she was on the top branch on the cage's playtop and she didn't want to "go to bed". When I reached up to pick her up, she wouldn't step up - instead she kept putting her head down for a rub. Awwww... Okay, Ellie, a few more minutes...

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