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Hello from Sarah and Archie

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Hello Sarah and welcome to our family, so glad you could join us.

Archie is a greyt looking grey, is he the only bird you have, is he your first parrot, first grey? Would you tell us more about Archie, why you come to have him and so forth so we can get to know the both of you better.

If you have any questions feel free to ask away and we will help you in any way we can.

Thanks for including a pic of him in your intro post as we love to admire each other's greys.

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Thank you everyone,and thanks for admiring my handsome boy :D


Archie is our first parrot,he came to us as we was thinking of buying a Parrot,we didnt know what one as i was scared of birds,we went to see Archie and out of my whole family,me,hubby and 2 boys iam the only one he didnt bite,now we are attached by an invisible cord i think lol


We have 2 cockatiels aswell,(for just over a year now)which i was happy to clean out but i would not go near them and if they flew,well i went into a panic attack!so i was very apprehensive about getting a parrot as the size of their beaks was leaving me like jelly,now though iam like a different girl i think me and Archie were made for each other i instantly was not scared of him and worked hard building a relationship with him the first few days,now i cant enter the bird/living room without him flying on me and i wouldnt have it any other way


Unfortunatly i dont really know his back ground as the man we got him from had only had him a couple of months then found out he had cancer,but he did tell us that before he got him he was in a budgie cage!!that was never cleaned and he had never been given any food other than hes parrot mix,but i dont know how much of this to believe as he also told me Archie loves a shower yet the 2 times i have tried he was not amused,if looks could kill i think id be dead!lol


I have a family joke with my husband now as i really wanted a pet pig but he refused,but iam ok with it now as i swear Archie is half pig half parrot,i cannot have anything without him having a bit ,although still struggling with hes vegtables but i will get him there


His las towner told us he is a boy but had no papers to prove this,he has a ring on hes foot,apperently thats a good thing??,the main problem i have is the amount he `number 2s` every where,i didnt know a bird went this much lol,i have read that they can be toilet trained but iam in the process of training him to step up and go home at the moment and dont want to confuse him,


anyway as iam still very new to all this iam sure everyone will have alot to teach me about these wonderful birds and iam very willing to learn :D

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