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Archimedes met the mail woman today


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I can't believe how warm it's starting to get here! March and already mid 70s (around 21c) Ofcourse I'm gonna take full advantage of the warm but not HOT HOT weather and took Archimedes outside again today. As we went outside I saw the mail woman drive up and figured we could hang out in front of the house and get the mail. She was SMITTENED she thought he was adorable (of course he looked as handsome as always!) and he did great! wanted to help me carry the mail, such a little helper. Though I did flap around a letter accidentally, and it startled him, but he flew out a foot and landed right back on my hand!


Afterwards we went to the backyard and I put him down on our patio and we were just hanging out for a few minutes (then I noticed wasps... urgh) When I asked him to step up he did it no questions.... I wanted to walk him back to the path behind our house, but I felt him tense up, and realized... mm he's had enough for the day... There are some daffodils out back that I wanna show him tomorrow hopefully!

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he saw the daffodils... and he was not impressed... so we just hung out in the backyard a few minutes, just enjoying the sunshine. He is getting REALLY good at getting his harness on! To the point that he's *helping* me with all the steps, I think if I were to time it, we could have him zipped up within 20 seconds if that, I think it's because he realizes that we get to go do something fun when he's in his harness. Archimedes is at a point that he's ok with going outside, as long as we're only outside for a little bit... but we're able to venture out a little further from the house every day (I know when he tenses up and climbs up my shoulder and tries to sit on my collar bone he's out of his comfort zone)


sad story... today on the way back inside I let him perch in the crabapple tree in front of the house (btw are crabapples safe for greys, no fruits on the tree yet) but the branch that I put him on was dead... well he stepped out to the branch, and his weight snapped the branch... poor thing nearly had a heart attack. Good thing is he flew right back to me. After that event I brought him back inside and he wanted plenty of snuggles... and who am I to deny him snuggles?

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How wonderful that he is so comfortable with the harness! Wish I had started that early on with Biscotti. I believe you are doing his excursions right, short & sweet. He will quickly overcome the sudden scary things ( snapped branch ) when you quickly confirm to him that everything is ok. You must already have a great bond, with him instantly coming to you when he is frightened! Keep us posted on Archimedes adventures. :)

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snoepgoed123 So glad the harness is working out! I'm not sure about the crabapple tree. I think Dave will know. Don't worry about the branch that scared Archimedes. As long as he was safe. Life is about challenges that not only people need to meet, but also our birds. Meeting obstacles in life, is part of life. Reassure, and be there to support them, is what we do as parents. We don't remove all the obstacles of life, but are there to support them when they are scared, and support them when they aren't sure. nancy

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