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Just a quick reminder since the season of severe weather is upon us...


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I thought about you last night and wondered if any of the tornadoes came close to you, so glad to hear you all escaped the damage and being prepared made it a lot easier on you when you were scampering to safety, not so lucky for some though as I see lots of damage done in Kansas and neighboring states with at least 5 people dead. I'm glad to hear that Marco came thru the experience with flying colors, bet you kept your calm during all this and so did she.

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Thanks so much... truly I thought by 1am it was over with. We had dodged 2 storms thru out the night one passed to our north and one passed to our south by just a few miles, but we didnt get 1 drop of rain. Then about midnight or so, the rain band came at us again but like I said it was just being classified a "sevre thunderstorm" So, I resigned to the fact that perhaps it was safe to close my eyes. I had literally been glued to the tv for 14 hours of non stop weather from our local station. Im sure glad I was awake. Had the siren woke me from a dead sleep I would have prolly of been MORE panic'd. I found that the sense of panic was at its worst once we lost TV signal and radio. Then you were just sitting there waiting like a game of hide n seek in the dark. ITS SCAREY!

They reported over 90 tornados (just in KS) yesterday and some of the damage is just terrible :( but no on that I have heard in KS was hurt. I did hear OK had the deaths :( It never ceases to amaze me that less then 12 hours ago the weather was just hideous and today there isnt a cloud in the sky bright blue and sunny .... go figure.

But ty for your prayers and your concerns and course as always your GOOD GOOD advice everyone! {{{HUGS}}}

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i'm a weather junkie. i used to be a spotter when we lived in south east new mexico and even got a nws certified weather observer job at the local airport there. the town we lived in didn't want to believe that they could have a tornado so they essentially "ignored" any possibility it would happen. so that's when i became a spotter!! (70 miles from west texas, sure "it'll never happen". they had one hit the south side of town about a year after we moved to ohio)


everyone should have a programmable weather radio and also one that is portable. the programmable ones are nice as you can program exactly what kind of watches/warnings you want to receive, and what counties you want it to alert you to. i live in central ohio and have a programmable and a portable. i've programmed my country and every county that touches my county. it's come in very handy, allows you to go about your activities and will wake you up if you're sleeping! you should always keep on eye on things when it's forecasted to be bad, but weather radios will help you stay informed even when the electricity is out!!!

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Im so glad tho, that we all remained calm and I had EVERYTHING lined out at the door just waiting (if needed) to be used and boy oh boy was it NEEDED. You have usually less then a few minutes to respond to a tornado siren, the tornado was 8miles from us moving 60mph so we had a window of a few minutes to get to shelter!


Yes, that's what always worries me...sometimes you just have a matter of minutes, sometimes less.

And, even though we are prepared, it always takes longer to gather everyone up than we want it to.

It's hard not to panic.

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Im so glad tho, that we all remained calm and I had EVERYTHING lined out at the door just waiting (if needed) to be used and boy oh boy was it NEEDED. You have usually less then a few minutes to respond to a tornado siren, the tornado was 8miles from us moving 60mph so we had a window of a few minutes to get to shelter!


Yes, that's what always worries me...sometimes you just have a matter of minutes, sometimes less.

And, even though we are prepared, it always takes longer to gather everyone up than we want it to.

It's hard not to panic.


True, you hear 8 miles away moving 60 mph and gage in your head "how long before its here" the sirens usually dont go off till its 5 or less (i thought) which brings you to an even shorter time frame to get prepared but truly, I dont think I had time to panic "persay" I was moving like a machine, going thru the things in my head that I had to do.


Im happy to report come Wednesday, my storm shelter (at home) will be completely fixed and stocked with blankets in those vac pacs, extra sweat shirts and shoes, water, flashlights, chairs and the radio and course non perishable food items :) heck maybe I should even put an ax or something down there incase something falls on the door so we can get out! I will have to think this totally thru and make a list! Im really excited that hubby is FINALLY seeing the real need to get off his butt n do it! I will feel ALOT more protected thats for sure not to have to get in my truck and drive to a shelter. I am only so thankful it ALL went well :D :D :D

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I am so glad youall are safe! We just went thru the storms here in Texas with several tornados a few weeks ago. I was at home alone with all the pets scared outta my mind. I had put dog food, cat food, fish food, bird food all their treats, jugs of water, leashes, cages, toys, even toilet paper into the safe room and sat and cried asking myself how i would get everyone in there! ( forgot my dogs insulin, that won't happen again! ) My wonderful neighbor called to check on me then came over to help. We set out a plan, the cat we put in the room right off, first sign she grabs Stewart and i get oliver into the room, then she would get 2 dogs, i would get 2 then us! I never gave thought to the emergency information, i will be doing that tomorrow! Again, glad everyone made it thru okay, and thanks for the great advice!

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I am so glad youall are safe! We just went thru the storms here in Texas with several tornados a few weeks ago. I was at home alone with all the pets scared outta my mind. I had put dog food, cat food, fish food, bird food all their treats, jugs of water, leashes, cages, toys, even toilet paper into the safe room and sat and cried asking myself how i would get everyone in there! ( forgot my dogs insulin, that won't happen again! ) My wonderful neighbor called to check on me then came over to help. We set out a plan, the cat we put in the room right off, first sign she grabs Stewart and i get oliver into the room, then she would get 2 dogs, i would get 2 then us! I never gave thought to the emergency information, i will be doing that tomorrow! Again, glad everyone made it thru okay, and thanks for the great advice!
it is a totally scarey thing when you are alone :( oh oh oh TP is another thing I will add to my storm celler great idea!
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  • 2 weeks later...

thanks :D we made it thru but it just was a super long night .... storms were soooo slow moving lotta warnings and alerts all night long, we did seem to luck out got alot of rain, lightning and wind but the hail missed us and the 70mph winds missed us

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Pikachu, it's impressive that your kids had everyone taken care of. Must have been a really scary experience - for them and for you! I've just read thru all the ideas here for emergency preparation. We don't have a basement, per se, just a cellar under the stairs. I've always joked that I'd only go there if there was a tornado next door. Spiders and such!! But you all have given me some ideas for things to have ready and near the door just in case. I bought Gemma a travel cage recently and have let her play in it and on it so that she'll go in without a fight. Visions of trying to get her into the cage with a tornado nearby, her hanging on for dear life to the opening and refusing to go in.... Glad to hear that everyone on here is safe so far.

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