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Just a quick reminder since the season of severe weather is upon us...


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Please make sure to have a plan for your birds & other pets in case of severe weather.

And, make sure everyone in your house knows "who" they are in charge of. Don't want to forget anyone!


Living in "tornado alley", we get tornados that come through even in the winter.

Even though we have had four emergencies in the last few months, I feel it still takes too long to gather everyone up. Sometimes you just have a matter of a couple minutes.


We keep travel cages under each bird cage at all times.


Make sure everyone knows what to do.

When the Good Friday tornados came through, my kids were alone & had to take care of all the pets themselves.

We got home right after the tornado hit our property & they had all the birds in the basement bathroom, the cat in the shower in same bathroom, themselves & the dogs in the basement bedroom.


It is really tough trying to do it on your own. Please practice.


What do all of you do in case of a severe weather emergency?

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pikachu... wow! Never even thought about it! We live in Rochester, NY... so having a tornado, was never a thought. We DO have a plan for a fire, and have had to evacuate for an electrical fire. It went well, we were all sitting in our yard by the time fire department arrived. All cages got removed, dogs were in the car. After it was deemed safe, the fire marshall commented that his group asked if they were at the " Webster zoo!" Ha! Ha! Nancy

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We do keep travel cages next to the big cages and we did have to seek shelter in the basement about the time of Good Friday because of the tornadoes. We do have a plan with two small dogs and two parrots. Gilbert has a history of being in Biloxi Mississippi during more than his share of hurricanes and tends to get upset during storms so it takes a bit of planning ahead to get him prepared. Now that you mention it though, I have a pantry down there and I will have to put in a store of pellets just in case we had to spend time down there if the storm actually hit us.

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Your travel cages should have identification on it. Include your pets name, your name, and a contact person outside of the area including phone number. This should be waterproof and either in a noticeable place or write a note on the cage directing a person to the emergency information taped on the bottom.

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  • 4 weeks later...

do the birds know when bad weather is happening? Yanno how they say like horses will spook easily (granted they are outside) but when I had my horse ohhh she knew when it was gonna storm... are birds the same way? Marco's been a bit quiet today but seemingly very alert (course the wind is just whipping it up and making lotta noises) .... just wondering


Ive got bags packed with food in for ALL animals and just filled up some empty 2liters with some fresh water they are cleaning out the storm cellar right now and getting it all packed with flashlights n stuff. I hate that it will continue the bad weather thru the dark of the night ... that is the worst!

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I've been dreading tornado season. I live in Oklahoma, so this is an annual thing. I've got Gracie's travel cage right next to her main cage. I live in an upstairs condo, so it's not really safe here if a tornado comes. Thankfully I have neighbors who know to expect me if a warning is issued. Thanks for posting this thread. I'm sure there are many of us in tornado alley, and many others in areas prone to such storms.

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For some reason, most people in my part of Oklahoma don't have basements. I think it has something to do with the soil or the water table--not sure. In general, people with cash build "safe rooms" in their homes. Sadly, I'm a poor teacher who can't afford anything like that. On the bright side, there is a convenience store nearby with a great freezer. Based on the Joplin videos from last year, those freezers kick butt. Everything was wiped out except for the freezer. I just hope Gracie won't get too cold if the time comes.

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WOWZERS .... after watching the news for 14 hours and justttttt about to close my eyes and get some sleep after everything was downgraded to just sevre thunderstorms, the last thing that caught my eye was the meterologist saying "wait a minute" I think a tornado warning was just issued and low n behold .. it was 8 miles from MY TOWN !!!!!!! 1am in the morning .... what a glorious hour of the morning to be running from a tornado! Needless to say, I woke up everyone in the house, everyone took a dog, I put marco in her carrier she was scared but she did well she didnt run or anything from me, course I didnt give her much time it was more like open cage and SNATCH lol... i put her in her carrier put a blanket over it and we drove down the street to the storm cellar where we hung out with our neighbor for atleast 30 min before emerging .... it was HORRIBLE but ty GOD the tornado didnt do any damage here and we are all fine !!! Im so glad tho, that we all remained calm and I had EVERYTHING lined out at the door just waiting (if needed) to be used and boy oh boy was it NEEDED. You have usually less then a few minutes to respond to a tornado siren, the tornado was 8miles from us moving 60mph so we had a window of a few minutes to get to shelter!


Marco appears non worse for the ware. I kept her in the cage while underground and kept the towel over her but checked on her often and talked to her to try to calm her once we got home and took her out i gave her lotta love and talked quietly to her and about 30 minutes she was back to being sleepy so I put her back in her cage, this morning shes back to pigging out on her breakfast !!!!!!!!! we tried oatmeal today :D she seems to really like it!


soooo today we are going to do some house work and it will be the first time little missy will come upstairs with me while I hang up 3 baskets full of clothes! thanks for all the suggestions and tips for emergencies like last nite it sure did help

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