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When do baby Greys wean?


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Maunalou's(sp?) topic got me wondering, when should a baby CAG be fully weaned?


I have hand raised many cockatiels, who wean much quicker, but got my CAG, Rockelle, as a foster bird when she was 23 yrs. old.


My baby should be born in a few weeks, if all goes well. When should I be expecting to take her home? I could ask my breeder, I know, but you guys are so knowledgeable too. :)

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Guest briansmum

i have heard of anything between 10 to 20 weeks, but 10 is way to short that's like forced weaning. brian was about 18 weeks when he was finally fully weaned.

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I used Kaytee Exact for all birds (there is another formula for Macaws only). That is what my breeder used and when I did a bunch of research that was the brand mostly recommended. I would ask your breeder what they use because you don't want to just switch in an instant unless the baby refuses it...then he might just be sick of the formula.

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Hannah, even after your baby is fully weaned you can still give a spoon feed :) My two boys love a warm pureed fruit mix / baby food fed by spoon in the evenings & they are 8 months.If you can do this it also comes in very handy if you have to give medication at any point in the future, you can just administer it with the spoon feed ;)

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