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Noodle loves the car!


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Cody and I drove home for the weekend to visit our parents, and we brought the Noodster with in his little travel cage. He sang and played and monkeyed around the entire time! Every time we'd open the sunroof or roll down the window he would play in the breeze and pretend to be a falcon or something :cool: When the windows were up obviously, Cody let him out to see us and get petted, etc. He sat on my headrest for almost two hours of the trip, totally content and preening his tail. He also tried out the steering wheel as a perch, but after we got out of Indiana the road started having curves, hahaha! Just wondering if others have good experienced roadtripping with their grey...any good stories?

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I am one of those who take their grey on roadtrips but I keep Josey in her cage, it is safer for her to not be out in the vehicle while it is traveling, what if we rolled the windows down and she escaped, I just won't risk it so any of my fids stay in their travel cages until they reach the destination and I take her into the house.

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I have take my parrots to my daughter's for the weekend, but I never let them loose in the jeep. What if one is spooked and flies into the driver, or there is an accident or if someone just forgets that the parrot is out and opens a door or window. To many what ifs for me.

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I agree that it can be risky to have them out of the cage in the car, but we've never had a problem with Noodle. If he's out, the windows and doors are child-locked and one of us is always holding/handling him so he won't do anything dumb :P I just think he likes riding!

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SaladNinja... So cool when they love to be in the car and go for rides. Sophie LOVES the car!( she was originally owned by a racecar driver!) I could tell he took her for rides all the time. She wags her tail around every corner! LOL She learned though, she had to adapt in a car traveler. She STILL wags her tail, and has loads of fun. It is the next best thing to a seatbelt. If we crash, or get hit by another car, their chance of survival, becomes nil. Remember, their safety is just as important as every human in the car. Nancy

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Corky loves to travel, on just one trip we covered over 7,000 miles in our motor home and were gone a month. She has been in 25 states and has traveled in our van, car, pickup truck, motorhome. Corky has at least 50,000 total miles on the road and Cricket the newest member of our clan has at least 15,000 miles with us.

When we go they go and that`s the way it`s always been.

They love to talk as they ride and sometimes they just look out the window.

OK we are nuts,but my wife and I would never them home and all the years they have been with us they have never been away from us.

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Gilbert has been with us for a year and he is approaching the ten thousand mile mark with the numerous trips we made between Georgia and NY state. On one trip, we pulled over and I made my husband get out of the car because Gilbert was still afraid of him and I needed to move his cage and help him get settled down after about sixteen hours in the car. We were only about an hour from our destination but he had been hanging upside down and I was worried that he was too tense. A friendly NY state patrol officer turned around and came back to see if we needed help. By the time he got back to us, Gilbert had escaped the cage and was trying his best to fly. I had locked the car doors so no one would open the door accidentally. The policeman stayed and watched while I got Gilbert resettled. I think he was making sure we were not having a domestic dispute with my poor husband standing along the highway locked out of the car. Now that Gilbert is getting more settled into our home, he thinks nothing of a seven hour car ride to go between our home and my daughter's to visit. He is a really good traveler. On one trip we hit bad weather and stopped for a hotel room. My husband said he wasn't about to ask to bring in a pet because in that weather we would have a hard time finding a room and said better to seek forgiveness than permission. I covered Gilbert with a blanket and he pulled up a corner and loudly asked "WHAT are you doing?" so the secret was out and we didn't get into any trouble.

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One of my favorite parts about trips with him is when cars with little kids go by and you can see them smiling and pointing at the birdie :] or when people come up to you while you're stopped to ask about him; we've met some really cool people that way. I really wish I could say yes when people asked to touch him, but I think that would be a baaaad idea considering his biting problem haha.

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