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How adorable Dee, yes I think it is a warbler also, they can certainly find the most unusual places for nests. I usually hang several baskets of flowers and such on my carport every spring and at least one of them will end up with a bird's nest in it, mostly some type of finches but it is fascinating to watch them grow and fledge, of course I water the plants without getting the nest wet.

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She is as cute as can be, she let me walk right up to her and didn't startle, she just stared at me. I served her an eviction notice. LOL Just kidding, I couldn't mess with her nest. When I went back out to take a picture, I used a telephoto lens so I didn't have to get close and disturb her while she is sitting on eggs. My husband mentioned he had seen her yesterday and saw her eggs when he got the lawnmower out. No more lawn mowing until her little ones leave. Ha... that won't be long.

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I have been looking at pictures and I think she might be a winter wren. She left the nest when the garage door opened, so I took the opportunity to peek in and she has five eggs. The description said the male builds a dome structure nest and he makes several nests for multiple females. He was taking a short cut when he found the dome shaped helmet on the shelf in the garage. I put a little bowl of water on a shelf for her. When I read that they eat insects, I decided it is a good thing for her to be out there in the garage to eat a few spiders. It should take about four weeks for her eggs to hatch and another two weeks for them to fledge, I will keep an eye on them without bothering her if I can help it.

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A lease agreement it is, she can sing to pay her rent. As long as she isn't in my helmet, she can stay as long as she likes. I would rather she wasn't in there because I am afraid she might fly out and find the garage door closed when she tries to return. I asked David to park his car outside in the pollen so we don't open and close the garage door and risk her not getting back to her nest. We also left one garage door open a couple of inches so she can come and go. I brought my own helmet inside because my car is in the shop and my bike is my only transportation this week. When I told my husband that he said, just wear a different one. What! The other ones don't match my colors. LOL

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh my goodness, after protecting her little nest by keeping the garage off limits, I went out today and found a surprise. She was feeding her babies! I stood and stood and stood on a stool in the middle of the garage until she left for a second and quick took this picture and got out of her zone.

naked biker chicks.jpg

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Sorry, I have been off my rocker for a week changing the venue for a wedding reception just six weeks away. So, today, I was least expecting it when I peeked in on our little mama and her eggs have all hatched. I bet they were hatched a week ago, but I don't get close and she was sitting and didn't move when I peeked in. In the middle of the garage, where my car would usually be parked, I have a step stool and I climb up there with a little flashlight and peek in at her. I won't go out any more until she is out of her nest because I don't want to disturb them. And Ray, are you kidding me? Of course my helmet has to match my bike, and my ballistic nylon safety gear, and my gloves, and my boots. If I had an accident, I have it under good authority if I am not wearing matching colors, the paramedics won't pick me up.... and if I get to the hospital and don't have on good underwear, I have heard from someone's mother.... "always wear good underwear, what would happen if you had to go to the hospital?" So, I am assuming, they will toss you right out of the emergency room. hahahahhahahahaha

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So, okay, I have come to the realization I am the crazy ole bird lady. It is official. From the moment I saw eggs in that sweet little nest, I have been guarding the garage. I think I have fussed more about protecting them from keeping the garage door tightly closed to "is that opening big enough for a cat to come in or a bigger bird to come in?" This morning when I took the dogs out, as always, I went to make sure the door was just right. My husband has been reminded and reminded, don't open the second door that is adjusted. He is not supposed to open the garage door or change anything. He had to finally mow the lawn, so, okay, I watched him get the mower out and then back again without disturbing her and made sure only the second door was used. He was flying off on another obscenely early business trip this morning and forgot and used the wrong door. My heart was in my throat but when I checked the nest, mama bird was in there. She let me watch briefly as she fed her chicks. She is calm for me to come in and take a peek, but if anyone else comes in she flies and swoops and dive bombs them. With all the extra worry this has been, I am definitely going to evict them when the chicks leave the nest and get new rubber sweeps for the bottom of the garage door to seal it up so this doesn't happen again. I know nature takes its course and as much fun as it has been to watch, I don't want to repeat it. Two birds in a house are enough. For now. LOL.

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  • 2 weeks later...

All five eggs hatched and they grew at an exciting pace. Once they opened their eyes, I have kept my distance. I don't want them to get acclimated to humans. They are fully feathered and almost as big as the mama now. A couple of days ago they had tiny flat beaks but in just a couple of days, their beaks have changed to long, thin and pointed. I expect to go out any day now to find them fledged and gone. It was quite interesting to watch this little family grow.

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I haven't gotten close enough to get more pictures since they opened their eyes. I am concerned to make the next generation human friendly since they are wild birds. The little ones huddle together and are totally silent when I have been in the garage so I am tiptoeing around. They are at the age of fledging in the next day or so. I do feel like it has been a calming blessing to have had access to see the tiniest little eggs and for the mama bird to let me watch her feeding them on the first days after they hatched.

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