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Am I creating a bad habit?


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Archimedes has bonded to me, he enjoys the rest of my family, but Archimedes is my little buddy. I'm a late riser, so the rest of the family is up before me, and they'll take him out and play with him, but when I come downstairs, he comes to me straight away. Anyways, I go to school/work at nights and I come home anywhere between 7.30-11.00 at night. Last night I came home at 10.00 and Archimedes was already half asleep in the cage and my father was watching tv, well I barely whispered a hi, and Archimedes woke up. I ended up taking him out for 15 minutes, for some bedtime snuggles, and put him willingly back in his cage. Same thing again tonight, I came in and he woke up and started calling for me again. Took him out for a little bit, and the moment I put him back in he went to sleep.


point is... am I creating bad habits when I take him out for late night snuggles... I know that if I don't (I only started taking him out yesterday) he'll dig at the bottom of his cage for a good hour... now he'll be asleep within half an hour TOPS...

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Most important here is habit. A bird can adjust to different time schedules for sleeping, waking, napping but the habit you're talking about can lead to screeching or general noise making. This is one of those times that you need to ignore what's happening but

******I ended up taking him out for 15 minutes, for some bedtime snuggles, and put him willingly back in his cage.***** if he's only gonna stay alert for only 1/2 hr and willingly goes back in, you won't have problems. He knows you're there before you whisper. Basically, you're saying good night and adding a few rubs for good measure. Don't worry about it.

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thanks everybody, I'm happy knowing that what I'm doing isn't harmful. I know greys need a good 12 hours or so of sleep. But I feel that if I'm able to take him out for 15 minutes and he'll fall asleep shortly after going back in his cage, it's better than him begging at the door for hours and getting himself worked up.

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