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My husband and I are new "owners" of a teenage African Grey, Tatoo and his brother, a Mexican Red Amazon Parrot, Topper. We also have for adult dogs, and recently lost a lifetime friend, stray cat, Miss Kitty. Any advise, warnings, real life stories are welcome. We have no experience of any kind with birds. We adoptedf them from the widow of the father of close friends. The birds were close to being sold and split up forever.


Thanks for listening! Jane

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Welcome! Wow, a Grey and a 'Zon as your first birds. You're going to need to read up A LOT (start with the sticky topics in the various forums here) and ask all of the questions you have (in the right places). Specifically check out the Amazon and the Rescue/Rehome 'rooms.'


I commend you for wanting to help keep the birds from getting split up, but starting from zero, you've taken on a huge task. We're here to help.

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Hello janediddy and welcome to the grey forum.

A hats off to you for keeping this grey and amazon together so they still have each other it their loss.

OK you have a lot of reading to do, but this forum has it all. Read the threads as many as you can each day.

The Rescue Bird Haven room will help you in dealing with your two rescue birds. we also have a great Amazon room that will help you with diet and other things that have to do with zons and as an added bonus I will add you and Topper to the list of honored amazons of the grey forum. We have many members that have amazons and greys and they live a very happy life together

Again welcome.

Edited by Ray P
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Our family has taken in strays for years and I never really felt "up to" the challenges of a parrot. Then, six years ago we got one. It has changed our lives. Since these birds came from close friends, they will be your best resource for figuring out the behavior and likes and dislikes of your birds so you are way ahead of the curve there. Kudos to you for taking on these parrots, you are going to be amazed. It will take a little while to get to understand them and being in a new place and missing the man may take an adjustment for them. They won't understand what a wonderful life you are prepared to give them. You have come to the right place, many in this forum have both greys and amazons and will be there for you no matter what questions you have. Take your time, Tatoo and Topper will be with you for a long long time and you will have lots of things to learn from them too.

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Congrats and kudos to you for taking theses 2 together and not separating them. It is traumatic enough to lose their family, they don't need the added stress of losingmeachother. It will be a task and a wonderful adventure learning by the seat of your pants taking care of them, but well worth it. As the others have said, there is lots of info here, but feel free to ask any questions you may have. We wil do our best to help you. You have several things to deal with, one, they will mourn the loss of,their family, their home, their routine, and the life that they knew. Understand that, they don't know you, and it will take patience and time and tlc on your part before they will relax enough to begin the bonding and trusting relatinship you will develop. Next, you have to learn very quickly the care and needs ofmthem both. So, as I said, ask away any question that may help. But for now, Welcome and take your time, sit next to their cages, talk softly to them and don't push yourself,or force the, t do anything they don't want to do. Let them set the stage and take the lead, they will give you what they are comfortable,with....if anything.

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Hello Jane and welcome to our family, so glad you could give these two birds a new forever home.

I assume these two birds must get along great together hence you didn't want them split up but you have taken on quite a task since you have never had birds before but since you are willing to learn you will do fine with them.

Please do read thru as many of the threads here for they are filled with firsthand experience with the member's greys, some of us have more than one grey and quite a few of us have a grey and an amazon so be sure to check out the amazon room. Feel free to ask any and all questions you may have and we will do what we can to get you some answers and help you any way we can.

Just take your time with both of them and be patient with them to gain their trust.

We love pictures here so if you have some of Tatoo and Popper you would share with us that would be lovely.

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