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Unusual Droppings


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Over the past year, my Congo African Grey has been drinking exessive amounts of water, and in result, he does not leave solid droppings, but a clear, liquid kind. He has been drinking a lot of it out of demand, he almost goes insane if he is thirsty. I have taken him to numerous doctors in Croatia, (alas, where I live) but they do not know anything.

My question is how can I limit his water supply without him going crazy? Or, a solution to his droppings would be helpful.

Other than this, his behaviour is very normal, hes very happy, and does the usual stuff one would do.

A forum has been my last remorse, I am very desperate.


Thanks in advance.

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His normal food would be store-bought parrot food, which consists of nuts, and such. I buy the most expensive kind in Croatia, the company is PreStige. Before, I had given him bones of chicken, and lamb. I would always give him fruits and vegetables to chew on, he likes them very much. I have cut down on salt and meat after learning that salt is not healthy for parrots. His dropping problem has been going for a year and half so far, and he has started to pluck his feathers slightly.


Any further assistance is appreciated.

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Try a humidifier, not too close to his cage. A flight suit to stop him from plucking, because even if a humidifier does work he might have developed a habit. If you are handleing him do not have the suit on him. Are you using bottled water? Preferably spring? I would suggest this especially in a far flung place like Croatia! Things with natural oils such as pine nuts, peanuts, even a little peanut butter from a spoon held by you, but not too much ... scrambled eggs with a little milk and butter. Sounds like his skin is dry, as it gets when you go skiing for example and your nose dries and bleeds ... skin gets dry, lips crack. Very painful! Has he had any change in climate? evan just a change in houses? If you think about the fact that where they originate, its pretty humid. I have owned two and had many friends who have also .. no plucking complaints, but we have lived in very humid places like Singapore, Dubai, Texas. Good luck, I would love to know if this works for you at all. I am no expert, just a Grey owner and this is what I would try. Lisa.

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