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really.... out of all the rooms


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Archimedes has picked up a new habit (seems to pick up a new habit everyday) He will be fine hanging out on his tree minding his own business, I can come and go into the room, and it doesn't bother me, walk through the kitchen fine, family room fine, dining room fine... but the MOMENT I walk into the bathroom, he freaks out. First he'll start contact calling me, around 3 or 4 times, I've responded, I've not responded it doesn't matter. Then he flies off with reckless abandon around the whole house and usually lands on the keyboard or in curtains (the high ones of course).... Like I said, any other room he's fine with, I can even go upstairs to the bedrooms... but that bathroom, he freaks out over...

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Is the bathroom the only room Archimedes has not explored/been given a tour of so to say. He might just be worried about you. If so take him in; wash your hands, flush the toilet, turn on the shower so he know what goes on in that "strange" room. Hopefully that will ease his anxiety.

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Oh the bathroom thing.

Corky is very very bonded to my wife, son and myself and if any of us head down the hall to the bathroom she is right behind you.

I think it`s because if you are sitting she has your undivided attention and she is on your shoulder doing her thing, the same thing you are doing as you sit there.

If you are a guest in our house and go to the bathroom, well she is on her way.

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maybe it's the mirror. if he's not there with you, he can't be sure that the "other" person in the mirror won't replace the bond the two of you have. maybe he just wants to be sure he's there to "protect" you from yourself, lol! or maybe he's just upset he isn't in there to check himself out in the mirror and make sure he's still the ultimate handsome guy that he is, you know every feather in it's proper and glorious place!!!!

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Do you tell him you are going to the bathroom? It might help.Can you think of anything that might have worried him about the bathroom? Have you had an accident in there? It could also be that he wants to come with you because the bathroom is a special place. It is not like other rooms. It has water, mirrors and different acoustics that make it special in some way. My CAG Misty has no particular problem with me going to any room but he does prefer to accompany me if I let him and he will contact call me if I don't, but no freak out.

I do take him with me whenever I go to the bathroom and he will do his thing when I perch him over the toilet. He is not a big fan of the shower but the mirrors interest him.

Steve n Misty

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