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Clever little girl knows her name.


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One night last week my little two year old daughter Ella-Rose woke in the middle of the night asking for a drink so we took her into the kitchen to get one. While in the kitchen Ella-Rose asked a question about Missy our grey mentioning her name, upon hearing her name, Missy let out an "Oooooo" then a raspberry, then a kissing sound!


I was amazed that she recognized her name enough to respond verbally. She often gives kisses if I'm naughty enough to disturb her while she's asleep, if say I come in late & I want to say "hi" by lifting her cover up but never if she just hears us around the house. Once her cover is on she stays quiet till morning unless like I said I lift the cover to say "hi".

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Those surprises are our little gifts for the time and energy we spend getting to know our parrots. Did you and Ella-Rose have a good laugh? Ours are not so sweet if they hear a bump in the night Java will make the sound of a hawk and when I assure her it is only me, she makes the sound of breaking wind to let me know her displeasure. LOL. Missy sounds like she is tuned in to Ella-Rose. That is adorable.

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Missy & Ella-Rose have been forming a bond over the months we have had Missy. I have let it happen naturally & over time with Ella-Rose becoming more curious about Missy. She has been going over to talk to Missy, standing by her cage & asking her questions, normally answered by Missy's bobbing head.....lol. Also Ella-Rose has been asking to give Missy tickles, something I haven't been so keen on with Ella-Rose only have two year old fingers. At the same time I need them to build trust in each other so they love & respect for each other growing up. So what I did was let Ella-Rose stroke her wings while I had my hand over Missy's head, just in case. I thought I had full control over this the other day while about to do this little exercise but Ella-Rose reached for Missy's neck before I could put my hand there, fortunately Missy seemed to trust her & ruffled her feathers for a tickle which she really enjoyed......phew!

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hahaha!!! smart girl! a few years ago i worked nights. i'd try to be as quiet as possible when i got home so that the dogs didn't get too excited and wake up my husband. one night from the darkness of the living room athena asked "whatcha doing", i told her i was coming home from work and everything was ok and it was nite nite time. another time she scared the stuffing out of me (i was very tired and it'd been a rough shift at work) when athena said in a particularly deep weird voice, "i see you" followed by a long pause, then "peekaboo" and a small laugh!!!


apparently kallie will be sitting on her food bowl cooing and oooing when my husband comes downstairs in the mornings to go to work (4am). he says once in a while she'll say a very quiet, "hi you"! kallie is back up on her highest perch when i get up a few hours. lol, it shows who she's buttering up and it's not me, hahahaha!!!!

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Ella Rose and Missy, have a " bond" that is developing. It is very important, and worth nurturing. Take your time to develop it, but it is already there. Ryan bonded with Sophie, when he was ten. She LOVES him to death! He's had the same girlfriend since 10th grade. Sophie will sit between them. She HATES his girlfriend! Ryan belongs to Sophie. We all know it! Nancy

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