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Hi I need some advise I have a peach front conure his name is punkypoo and I have had him for almost 2 years and I have a CAG her name is Molly and she is 1 year old and I have had her for 8 months. I have tried to introduce the two of them but punkypoo wants to bite Molly and I am very scared of that. So how could this happen without anyone getting hurt? Mind you they spend most of their day on oppisite sides of the room on their playstands. Any advise will be welcome here are pics of them.





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What's going on is a very common occurance between parrots. It's just the way their personality is guiding them. A person may have 2 different species together but they hate each other. Another person may have the exact same species and they love each other. They can't be trained to like each other. They can be given freedom at different times. Maybe as time goes on, they'll relax with each other but that's impossible to tell. Loads and loads of people here are going through the same situation. It's simply a matter of not letting one bird hurt the other which means partial separation and vigilance on your part. Good luck.

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yea, someone else with the same kinds of birds we have!!! athena is 9 years old and we've had her since she was weaned. she believes she's the biggest bird ever created in the entire universe, lol!! she was an only bird until a little over a year ago when we rehomed kallie. kallie is almost 3 1/2 years old now. their cages are on either side of a large window in our living room. kallie shows a lot of interest in athena's cage when she's out of hers. we keep her away, since athena is protective of her cage. athena has inadvertently landed on kallie's cage and we take her off immediately, since kallie has all her feathers standing up and eyes pinning. we've not ever had them out in the same room at the same time. our dilemma is that athena has never been a confident flyer. she says every word she knows in rapid fire, does more hovering than going forward. she's just always been "freaked" out with flying (i've tried to help her with this though), so we worry she can't make an escape if needed without kallie catching her. (kallie's a pretty fair flyer) the size difference is just too much and that's a concern too. we've heard that we should introduce them in a neutral place and on a neutral t-stand. i'm still looking into this subject instead of taking just one piece of advice. i'd like a consensus so to speak. athena would be content to stay on a play stand, but kallie is "miss curiosity" and would be all over the place, hahaha!! (although athena can be a little sneaky pants when she wants to) sorry i don't have more advice to offer, :(

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I have a very aggressive TAG what is almost 4 years old. She was my first parrot and lived with me for 1/2 year before I adopted an older male ekkie. Ana Grey would never leave Sully allow if he came out of his cage, she would dive bomb him and he always ran and hid. During that time I adopted a male amazon and he and Ana Grey are not friends but with constant reprimanding of them both they have learned to live with each other.


After about 2 years, I re-homed Sully because there was never going to be peace with him and Ana Grey. I believe Ana Grey truly hates Sully. In fact Sully has come to visit and Ana Grey immediately dived bombed him and chased him behind the tv. Sully's new owner will not bring Sully over if Ana Grey is out of her cage and frankly I don't blame him. Giving Sully a new home is the best thing I could have done for him. He is meant to be an only parrot of a home and now, he is so loved and happy and has started talking and laughing.


Anyway, about 7 months ago, I also brought home a young CAG, Sterling Gris, who just turned a year old this month. Ana Grey, Louie and Sterling Gris always jostle but they do not try to kill each other. They have learned to tolerate each other. It takes constant reprimanding and vigilance on my part and now I can see that they now are usually only fighting for position on lets say a perch.


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