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can you see it too?


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when Archimedes and I have our snuggle sessions, I have the opportunity to really just look at all his feathers... and I've noticed something. each of his feathers have these little hairs on the tips, and when those feathers are angled just right... they turn this gorgeous shade of violet... I've tried to show my family, but all they see is grey... I can't be the only one to see this, right?

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I look at Sophie and the gang. I know every feather they lose. I also know every feather, they need to lose! Kids laugh at me. They ask me all the time, why do you focus on every little thing? They don't understand, that yes, I am the parent. It is actually easier to be a parent of a teenager. I rule over my bird kingdom very strictly. To keep three different species under control, I need to be respected as the main parent! While many think I am controlling my birds, I do not. There cages are open, and open door policy, is very important to me Nancy

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Gilbert still doesn't let me get that close to look at the nuances of his ragged little feathers, and if he did, I would be looking for where his eyes are looking. I know the day will come when I can get that close to look for a violet tinge though. Java on the other hand is a female red-bellied parrot. She looks gray but as the light hits her feathers they are irridescent and have greens and oranges and all sorts of lovely highlights.

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