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Sending a hello from Mississippi!

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Hi all! My name is Abigail. I wanted to introduce myself, been lurking for a brief while. We just got our first CAG 3 weeks ago after years of researching. Ziggy will be four months old on the 16th. Prior to getting him, we had 2 parakeets and one tiel.

Besides myself: My husband, 2 boys, Ziggy (CAG), 2 dogs, 300 gallon freshwater aquarium. (and all of the wild critters that I feed out back)

I have learned so much since I have been lurking, thank you all for the great information!



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Hello Abigail and welcome to our family, so glad you could join us.

You will learn a lot from reading thru the many threads, the members here are very helpful and likely some of the same problems that show up for you and Ziggy will have already been covered in them but don't hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

So glad to hear you did your research before making the decision to bring a grey into your life and your home so you know what you are getting yourself into and will be better prepared for what is to come.

We love pictures here so if you have some of Ziggy you would share with us we would appreciate it.

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Thank you Aerial! Congrats to you and your new one! Been reading your posts!
awww well good good! This place has been a total god send for me to study up and learn as much as I can before my baby gets home! And let me tell you ....... I have learned TONS! I have a little while left hes not fully weened yet ... so maybe 4-5 more weeks. Im hoping he'll be an Easter present! But you cant rush these little guys. I want him healthy and ready so ... whenever that is ... I'll be happy :D (course tomorrow would be great lol the wait is killing me) :rolleyes: anyways welcome to the forum and be sure to join in ... lots of fun stuff, funny stuff, serious stuff, health warnings, ideas, I love when ppl post pictures of things they have made, I have gotten amazing ideas! Every little bit helps :D
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Aerial, I think it is AWESOME that you have been able to spend so much time with Marco! I think there are many here that can't wait for you to be able to bring him/her home!


WOW WOW what a tank!!!!!!!! magnificient! soooo beautiful. Ive never had great success with fish lol. Ziggy is just beautiful. Im sure everyones ready for me to get Marco home LOL including my kids alllllllll i do is talk about him, go visit him, make toys for him, prepare things for his home coming ... :o they are already calling me the crazy bird lady :rolleyes:

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Lol. Thank you. It is my husband's pride and joy. (my pain in the you know what!)

Thank you about Ziggy. He is something!

Oh, I bet so! I am sure none of you will know what to do once Marco is able to come to his forever home! That's about how it was here...My husband works in the Gulf, so he was gone when I brought Ziggy home. All that I did until he got home was just stare....and pet...and talk....and feed....and stare...and pet...and talk...I couldn't help myself!!! When my husband got home, all he could and did do was stare...and pet...and talk....and stare...and pet....and talk!

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Lol. Thank you. It is my husband's pride and joy. (my pain in the you know what!)

Thank you about Ziggy. He is something!

Oh, I bet so! I am sure none of you will know what to do once Marco is able to come to his forever home! That's about how it was here...My husband works in the Gulf, so he was gone when I brought Ziggy home. All that I did until he got home was just stare....and pet...and talk....and feed....and stare...and pet...and talk...I couldn't help myself!!! When my husband got home, all he could and did do was stare...and pet...and talk....and stare...and pet....and talk!

LMAO at stare and pet and talk and feed... that is funny. Mhm that is how my nights are filled up any more over the last 3 months with videos and starring at his empty cage and working on toys and Im sure once hes home LOL I will be exactly like that stare at the bird feed the bird talk to the bird sing to the bird pet the bird and start it all over again lol but its gonna be SO great :D :D giggles
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