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Stop bird from shoulder sitting


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Hi all,


Its been 1 week since I brought Cody, my 20month old CAG home. He was part of a 4 bird family before and was well loved. Me and my wife visited him couple of times and made sure he was comfortable with us before we decided to adopt him. We also have a 2yr old Amboina King parrot at home.


By the first day evening itself he came out of his cage and started flying around the house. When am watching TV or reading, he flies n sits on my shoulder. And when my wife is cooking he sits on her shoulder and eats various veggies.


The problem is he never steps-up on to our hand. When he is on our shoulder, if we ask him to step-up he would push the hand away. If he is on the couch, he would move away. When its bed time, its a half hour effort to put him back into his cage. The only time he steps-up is from inside his cage and wants to come out.


I would like to stop him from sitting on our shoulder for various reasons. Its been just a short time since he has been in our home and am sure that he does not trust us fully. Also he is 20 month old and starting to become mature and undergo a lot of hormonal changes. So until he is fully mature and we can be sure that he is fully comfortable with us, we dont want him to be on our shoulder to avoid accidents.


I would like your inputs on how to stop him from flying on to our shoulder. I am starting clicker training for him today. He seems really interested when he sees me training my other bird. Hopefully he will catch up fast when I start training with him. Usually he squawks when he wants something. But from yesterday he has started imitating sounds like whistles, phone ringing, door knocking etc. For me thats a good sign of him getting comfortable around the house.


I dont want to clip his wings as he has never been clipped in his life and you can see that in the way how he maneuvers around the house. Sorry for the long post, but I would like to have your inputs on how to stop him from getting on our shoulder and also to start stepping up.


Thank you.

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In my opinion, shoulder status is a no no. From experience. They gain our trust. If they struggle with it, you shoo them down to the wrist.It is actually quite easy. Say NO! Don't go crazy making it a big deal. Its a fact! Follow thru everytime.

Sophie has been on my shouilder, after she was two. Probably around three. Ten years later, when she makes a bad choice, I just have to look at her, she shoos down to my wrist, knowing I don't approve of her choice.( I never said a word!) I am the parent, she is the child. She understands this. Nancy

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If you don't want him on your shoulder then you will have to block him when he tries to go there, when he is on one arm and going for the shoulder put your other arm over and block him and continue to do so, he has probably been allowed to shoulder sit before and it will be difficult to prevent him from going there. Also when he is flying to you and he goes for the shoulder or the head put your arm up to block him enough to divert him away from you.

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Thanks for the advice.. i've started following these from yesterday.. only problem is that if he is not allowed to sit on shoulder, he will not come over at all :) but i guess once he settles down he will start stepping up. Thanks again for all the advice.

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Celji, if you don't want your grey on your shoulder you shouldn't let him go there. I know it is hard to wait when you have a new grey, I know, but in the end if you are constant and stick to your convictions yours and Cody's relationship will be much better for it. Offer your arm and if Cody refuses move on. Be patient and persistent and in the end Cody will step up where you want him to step up. My Ana Grey was an ear biter and when she landed on my shoulder and bite my ear I just flipped her off (she is flighted) and refused to let her sit there. Ana Grey now is a good shoulder sitter and never bites. Persistence wins in the end. Frankly, that is usually why a grey gets his/her way, they are much more persistent with what they want than humans usually are.

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ceiji... of course, he won't stepup. Your baby wants you to do it his way! Be strong, stick to your belief! You are the parent, they are the child! Many parents give in. If you give in, than your baby rules. If you stay strong.... I promise you, years down the road, your baby will step up to you without asking. He will be on your shoulder for hours. You will be where I am. It was a ton of work. It took six months of commitment. The one thing I compromised on was... I wouldn't make her shower at home. Groomer would shower her. She understood, and was okay with it. We still do it, and she;s good with the plan. Nancy

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  • 4 weeks later...
In my opinion, shoulder status is a no no. From experience. They gain our trust. If they struggle with it, you shoo them down to the wrist.It is actually quite easy. Say NO! Don't go crazy making it a big deal. Its a fact! Follow thru everytime.

Sophie has been on my shouilder, after she was two. Probably around three. Ten years later, when she makes a bad choice, I just have to look at her, she shoos down to my wrist, knowing I don't approve of her choice.( I never said a word!) I am the parent, she is the child. She understands this. Nancy

There's a differants between being a "Parront" and a Parent"...

Judy, your advice was "Right-On"


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ceiji... of course, he won't stepup. Your baby wants you to do it his way! Be strong, stick to your belief! You are the parent, they are the child! Many parents give in. If you give in, than your baby rules. If you stay strong.... I promise you, years down the road, your baby will step up to you without asking. He will be on your shoulder for hours. You will be where I am. It was a ton of work. It took six months of commitment. The one thing I compromised on was... I wouldn't make her shower at home. Groomer would shower her. She understood, and was okay with it. We still do it, and she;s good with the plan. Nancy
A parrot need a shower 2-3 times a week, their powder is as bad for them as it is for us, this includes winter, no drafts. Dave has some good ways of misting and showering your parrot, What we do is Water, Aloe, Water.....Thanks Jayd
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It is unusual to see yelling on the Forum, I'm sorry you feel you have to yell at me. What we usually do is use a bold font's, italics or an explanation point for emphasis. I know I've made that mistake myself... Jayd

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It is unusual to see yelling on the Forum, I'm sorry you feel you have to yell at me. What we usually do is use a bold font's, italics or an explanation point for emphasis. I know I've made that mistake myself... Jayd


Be nice, Jay. Nancy just had a CAPS LOCK malfunction. It happens to all of us...

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Also when he is flying to you and he goes for the shoulder or the head put your arm up to block him enough to divert him away from you.



I have tried this as he loves to sit on my head and i dont like it,but when he flys to me and i put my arm up he just falls to the floor,i think i give him plenty of time to notice my hand is up as as soona s i hear him flying i stick it up as he always lands on my head,so i gave in now as i dont like the way he just crash lands on the floor


he does not hit my hand either he falls before he touches me

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I have tried this as he loves to sit on my head and i dont like it,but when he flys to me and i put my arm up he just falls to the floor,i think i give him plenty of time to notice my hand is up as as soona s i hear him flying i stick it up as he always lands on my head,so i gave in now as i dont like the way he just crash lands on the floor


he does not hit my hand either he falls before he touches me

Keep doing what Judy said, your bird is young, when she comes to you, watch her, see why she is falling? Her flying will get better. You may have to let her land on your shoulder until she can't fly better.....Jayd

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DJ keeps trying to climb my arm towards the shoulder, but i keep blocking him as i don't want him to sit on my shoulder. It is a hard process to keep blocking him, but i am not giving up and will keep doing this until he learns it is not allowed. I hope it does work after all.

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He is 2 years old jayd, he seems a good flyer to me,well he is better than my tiels, he seems to 99% of the time land where he is aiming

Just wait, his flying will amaze you... Work on his "Flying down", put him on the top of a open door and sit on the floor 10 or so feet away, have a treat and call to him, keep doing this till he learns to "fly down", it's hard. Thanks Jayd

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Thank You! Yes, my cap lock was on! I suck at computers. I rarely do e-mails,. I'm not proud, just stink at computer. Nancy

No problem, My mouth sometimes gets "stuck" open, my problems old age...lol Thanks Jayd

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Jayd... thank you for understanding my caplock. Now lets take it furthur, You, have an overestimated opinion of yourself and Dave, you think you know everything, Dave, knows alot, and I trust him, and respect his opinion. You... think you know everything! I think NOT! I'm pretty comfortable, thinking, YOU have nothing to teach me and my birds. Nancy

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Jayd... thank you for understanding my caplock. Now lets take it furthur, You, have an overestimated opinion of yourself and Dave, you think you know everything, Dave, knows alot, and I trust him, and respect his opinion. You... think you know everything! I think NOT! I'm pretty comfortable, thinking, YOU have nothing to teach me and my birds. Nancy



That was completely uncalled for and WAY out of line Nancy. Sometimes you post very nice and kind threads and other times, I have seen you post insults, put downs and harshness. What is with you?


Jayd was here long before you came here, he is highly respected due to the lifetime of research he continues to do, his experience and his lifetime of rescuing, breeding and owning a variety of birds. He and Maggie have devoted their lives to rescuing birds, they live a humble life so that they can provide for their flock which is ALWAYs put before their own needs. Just because you haven't seen Jay, doesn't mean he is some newcomer here throwing his weight around. He has suffered a sudden tragic loss of his son, and Jay has been gravely ill thus his abscence for the past year. He was sadly missed, and I can speak for many here, we are so happy to have him back with our family.


Dave is another member who is highly regarded with his expertise, his experience both as a breeder and and lifelong owner who only comes here to help us. I as admin feel very honored to have BOTH these members here, as well as MANY others. There are so many longtime members here that have a niche for helping us. But you haven't been here long enough or with an open mind to see that. Your loss.


There will be no more insultsor degrading remarks anymore. I will be deleting them as of this day. I tell you what I tell many, if you don't like it, then go find another forum.

Edited by Talon
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Thanks all for your advice and comments. I highly appreciate that. I've been following your advice and keep blocking my bird from flying on to my shoulder. He still tries and I still keep blocking :) But my wife is having a hard time. When she blocks him from flying onto her shoulder, he flies around and targets her hair. My wife has long hair and she ties it in a knot when in kitchen. Cody aims for this bundle of hair and likes to sit there. At first his claws used to get tangled in the hair and it was funny to watch them both trying to get it undone :). Now that Cody has learned how to get himself untangled, that seems to be his favorite spot. So now my wife has to have eyes behind her back too. Still a work in progress...


On the topic of shower.. his previous owner told me that Cody loves to take baths. i even bought a shower perch similar to her's. Though he used to take baths, I tried acclimatizing him slowly towards the shower. He flies off the moment he sees me picking up the spray bottle. When I try to put him on the shower perch, he flies off too. But last two times, he sat on the shower railing watching me take a shower. I am kinda hesitant in forcing him into the shower, what if it creates a phobia? Maybe after some time he will feel interested in coming near to shower.


Anyways.. I wanted to thank everyone of you again in chipping in with your comments and advice.

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