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I have been told my several people that my grey will hurt my jenday conure, i have them in sight of each other but different rooms, as i let them both out of their cage alot. I also have tiels but they are so harmless my grey is side by side with two of them and it does not bother him at all, and also do ya have to bathe them i find my herbie does not like to get wet i have a big heavy ceramic bowl on top of his cage but he never uses it and when i go to mist him he tries to attack the bottle should he be bathed should i worry he doesnt

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Your grey can indeed hurt your conure, I have a sun conure along with my grey and they do not get along so I keep some distance between them, they are out at the same time but just ignore each other for the most part. You should never leave them close together even if they do get along, one of mine is on my shoulder most of the time and the grey is on her cage or a playstand.

It is important to bathe them regularly and if you have to mist them to get them wet then do it no matter that they complain, they will stop when it is over and then they will preen and feel better for it.

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Thank you so much for the advice I have had him for awhile but still feel stupid on a lot of things, I know he is not typical he does not get much sleep never has where his cage is he averages about 5 to 6 a night but seems to be okay it has been like that for years, and i have tried all i can to make him eat veggies, fruits or anything have as of yet found anything he will eat other than diet but scrambled eggs i love him dearly though. house would not be same without him

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As judygram said, bathing is a must for him. Stewart doesn't like baths either but he will accept mistings now. Take him somewhere other than his cage or stand, like the bathroom (toilet bowl closed so he can't fall in) and mist him slowly aiming over his head where it will gently fall onto his back. When he is over the fit he will throw, and mine does throw a fit, you can start misting his chest and under his wings. Make sure the water is luke warm too. Stewart likes his water more cool than warm but not cold, play with temp and see what he likes best. Good luck!

Also, keep trying with food. Just because the toss it one day at you, a few weeks later it may be their favorite! Check out the food thread on here and start trying those! Slow and steady wins the race!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have to say i am so happy my herbie got a sink bath today and he seemed to love it, no squaking, moaning, groaning and most important no BITING!!!. he seemed very happy or at least comfortable with it. And i stood in front of him making a really big deal over eating an apple and lo and behold he ate an apple like he would never see another. He is so darn cute he was walking all over the house today and it is so funny but he does not mind the other animals at all even the CAT, though they really do not mind him at all either. I have 1 cat, 3 dogs, 3 cockatiels, and a jenday conure and they all get along well though the conure and the grey can see each other i do not force a meeting with them but he will meow like a cat asking the cat to come here come here, and when the cat approaches he will yell at it you are to close it is great THANKS FOR ALL THE GREAT ADVICEW I GET ON HERE I READ THIS SITE AT TIMES 2 IN THE MORN AND I ALWAYS FIND A NEW TIP TO HELP ME

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  • 2 weeks later...
Whatever works Doug and it seems to work for Ellie.




I'm not sure how to take your response.


I was just trying to suggest something that worked for me in hopes that it might help "meadows".

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I find with Ellie that WHERE she eats impacts WHAT she eats. She is more inclined to eat her veggies if I give them to her when she is on her window perch, rather than in the bowl in her cage.


I meant that if this works to get her to eat her veggies then by all means do it, plain and simple.

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A note, all birds are differrant. With 2 Cags, 2 'TOO's, 1 Zon, 1 IRN, 2 Gray cheek conures, and the Sun's they all get along, there all afraid of the Gray Cheeks...LOL...Always be careful..You've been given some Greyt advice.


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