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is there anyone from sweden? (all other help appreciated too)


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Hello everyone, this is my second topic here.....so ill keep it short for now as to not be an annoyance.

i do not currently own a grey but i wish to do so.


is there any grey owner from southern sweden or denmark(near copenhagen) that i could visit to learn from?

the reasons i wish to do that is as follows:


- i have never owned a bird, or known anyone who has had birds. my mother did have one but he died before i could remember him, so it doesnt count.

- i am a bit shy so im not sure how to behave around a bird. id be so sad if i scared it or if i wouldnt be funny enough to play with.

- i wish to know if i am even the least allergic to birds. i cant go into pet stores as they keep guinea pigs, rabbits and let dogs go inside as well. so, its impossible for me to tell.


(i am allergic to a lot of things, all things all my relatives are allergic to, but none of them are allergic to birds and i have never showed any signs either. its just ive gained allergies the past 3 years yet again)


is anyone here allergic to a lot of things and still keeping parrots without a problem?


i cant make myself believe i could keep a parrot if i was even a little allergic. its impossible and mean towards the bird.


are greys jealous? i have a lizard whom i love and spoil a lot, and he is very curious about everything so he is always getting some attention when he feels like it.

could i expect the grey to be aggressive towards a 45 cm lizard?

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Linnea. Nobody here will ever be annoyed at anyone asking for help. We all love parrots here and the people who love parrots as well.

As you probably know parrots are wonderful creatures and with a caring and understanding human they will make companions like no other pet but they will also help you appreciate other animals all the more. They are like a doorway into another world that humans lost contact with long ago.

All parrots and all Grey parrots have different personalities just like humans but they have also evolved to be social creatures and will appreciate the company of others. They may well favour a particular human but if properly socialised most will not show strong jealousies. I could not say how a Grey would feel about a lizard. Most do not like snakes so a lizard being similar may take some getting used to. I think a Grey could learn to tolerate your lizard. I think most lizards are not aggressive animals.

Grey parrots do produce a fine dust that may be an allergy problem for you. The only way to tell is to visit some Greys. Perhaps you coud find a breeder locally who could let you handle a Grey so you could see how you might be affected.

Good luck to you and I hope you can find a Grey. If you have got as far as this forum you probably have an idea of the commitment needed to give a Grey a happy home.


Steve n Misty

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